Monday, October 27, 2008

Jz A NoTe~

Yup~Don't worry, this won't be a LONG post. Just a very short one to express my gratitude to someone who I realized I love and miss terribly.

The person in question is my 'big wife' a.k.a Ms SHS....Or should I start calling her Mrs L**? Haha...Anyway, I really realised that whenever I feel sad or depressed, the first person who pop in my mind is her. I will have the extreme urge to call her and just tell her everything. Just by listening to her voice will calm me. Due to recent events *ahem*, I find myself calling her again. And when I heard her voice its like everything just started flowing out--worries, sadness, happiness and all that commotion. I can say that she is one of my best best friends who always beside me and support me. And for that I really am grateful, although I can't begin to tell her how grateful I am~

She's like the ultimate friend in my heart that whenever I listen to her voice I will become happier and calmer...Her advice always helps too~Aiyo~I admire LZK for having her loh~He is the luckiest man in the world man~HAHA~Oh god, I hope she doesn't kill me when she reads this...Anyway, she is really really the 'bestest wife' that any 'man' can hope to get lar~>_< Maybe its because we share the 'husband-wife' thingy that makes her have a radar which can automatically tune in to my frequency~Hmm...What kind of wave will that be? (OMG, read too much Physics until PITCHAR-ED liao~!) Also, it may be because we already 'stay together' for 2 long years in school that she understands me so well and vice versa. As she so dear a friend to me I must say that I really really miss her nowadays...

Haha, I can already start imagining her face when she reads this post....Haiyo~'Lao Po' dun feel awkward or paiseh lar~And don't scold me nuh~>_< But I will never know if she does read my blog as she NEVER leaves comments for anyone...She is a cute and weird person who writes a blog which the address nobody knows and then just reads it herself. Yup, numerous times I have asked for her blog's address but she just smiles and says it is just a fun thing for her to read....=_="

Anyway~A BIG THANK YOU and Love You and MISS YOU SO MUCH~!!! to my darling 'wife'--Ms. SHS~

P.S: Don't be mad for me at writing MUSHY things about you nuh~You so good you won't hunt me with a butcher knife one I think....Also, Mr LZK, I have no intent of snatching Ms. SHS from you so you also needn't kill me~The LOVE is a family-friend kind of thing~HAHA~

P.S 2: I am back from my 3 day 2 night stay in Johor~I will be updating my blog about it the next time~I will be putting up pictures~!!

Friday, October 17, 2008


I know that I haven't updated my blog in a while (two months actually...=_="), but still, there's a good reason (I think...) for my inefficiency. It's all because I was busy recently (Forgot what I'm busying bout....Too many things...O_O) so I haven't been able to update my blog.

But actually...This is the FOURTH time I am typing this post...Let's see...The first time, my computer ran AMOK and automatically shut down. Second time, I forgot to save. Third time, I accidentally pressed 'Esc' and closed the whole tab. So...It seems that even the higher power doesn't want me to update my blog.=_="

But still, here I am, typing feverishly as I must say that I am forced to do so. Yup, FORCED.Wanna know why? Cuz a particular person by the name Ms. Heng YW nags me every single day I don't update my blog. To shut her up, I decided that this is definitely worth it...Or I think I might be DEAF before I turn 20...

Anyway, here are the recent events in my life...

On my EXAM:
HELL. Yup, this is the only word that I can find to describe my exam. Other words just can't seem to potray it as well...Anyway, this really is a very hell-ish exam. For my PA, I duno what I am writing in my essay and it all seems like a jumble of words to me. For PA paper one, I really duno want to choose which which answer..Why do they have A, B, C, D by the way?? For Maths, I find T2 to be ok but honestly, all the careless mistakes I made in T1 makes me wanna do bang my head on something...And Chemistry..Ugh, I think I am still drowning in the antimony pentachloride question...And now to Phyics...I could already visualize dear Mr. Lim's face as he hands out my exam paper. The dissappointment would be evident. Haiz, just think about it...Originally a 100 marks student dunno fall till what mark...Hope I can just go jump of the building or pull a 'Happy Tree Friends' stunt with my pen...But I know all these failures are my own fault...(With the exception of PA Paper 2 as that @#*& teacher din teach us a DAMN thing...)...And I know that it's because of my laziness that makes me take these test with so much fear. But the hardest part is knowing that you could do better and yet you didn't even bothered to try...Haiz...But being the overly optimistic person I am, I vow to strive for better results next time~!! Learn from my own mistakes and then move forward rather than feel sorry for myself. Gambate~!!

On my LIFE:
My life is still so-so. But I am quite busy recently as I am involved in quite a lot of things. But I find that even though I am very tired by the end of the day, I still find it a very memorable day to have. However, it seems that my 'parental' side has come out again. There are just that few friends that I find myself unable to stop worrying about. I know, I know, some of you might say that I have already cared past the point of sacrificing myself but I just can't help it. Knowing that they might be crying somewhere silently or forcing a smile on their faces makes me worry even more...Haiz. That's why I try to do the best I can to be at their side and help them. A simple gesture or simple sentence may sometimes save a person from falling into depression...And besides, I am their friend and that's what friends are for right? To those who had enrolled themselves in my 'counseling session', I really don't need another apology or you feeling guilty for taking up my time and telling me all those so-called-depressing things. You all already have enough on your minds. And I am very glad that you chose to confide in me. That's why I don't mind a single bit for you calling me at ungodly hours or make me miss my class..etc. Read my lips/words when I say that I don't F***ING mind. So don't let me hear another apology or I will really go berserk...>_<...Besides, I SOOO matured, you sure want ask me for advice mar~O_O *EVIL LAUGH*

On OTHER things:
First things first~My dear Ms.Heng aka Ah Miao aka TING TING has a NOT-SO-SECRET ADMIRER~!!! Hahahaha...There is this person which we like to call by 'bell sound' which keeps stalking our dear Ms. Heng. Notice the word 'STALK'. It seems that the person has taken a liking to be by Ah Miao's side and no matter what drastic measures that we think of to PRY her away from the person, it all just proves to be FUTILE. That's why Ah Miao is stucked with wanting to bang her head on the wall, screaming in frustration or just ignoring the person..(Trust me, the third option will be close to impossible to succeed...)

Secondly, I am going to JOHOR for the finals of the elocution competition....It's tomorrow actually...I am going to board the first flight(6.45 AM) and then will remain in KLIA until 10 sth and then board another plane to Johor. I am feeling quite nervous. This is the first time I entered a Kebangsaan level competition and thinking about the scenario gives me goosebumps. Besides that, this is my first time in an elocution competition and the first time I am going so far without my parents or siblings. Ugh~I can already feel the dread coming on me...Wish me luck lor~Hope I can succeed...A good motivation for me is the prize...Mr. Gan says its a few thousands...Woah~Just imagine what I can do with that money.

I think that's all I could think of to say~Until next time then~(Which I hope will be soon as Miao will surely start nagging me if I didn't update my blog...)


P.S: Notice that I didn't use 'he' or 'she' but "the person" in writing Ah Miao's ADMIRER~Hmm....Guess what gender? >_< *LAUGHS MANIACALLY*