Saturday, April 9, 2011


I love reading, possibly much more than I love writing, or singing.

Words just have such a mysterious power sometimes. And if one is good enough, just mere sentences with the correct words and the correct way of writing can easily bring about much more influence than could possibly be imagined.

Words are powerful by itself, but used correctly, it just forms into a spectrum of brilliance that could either tease someone into bursting laughter, launch a person's mind into contemplation, or even move someone to tears.

To me, it's easy to say that I've experienced all three of the above scenarios, and much, much more, all in gratitude to the pleasure of reading, and taking in the words themselves.

It's not often that I find myself moved to tears over literature. But sometimes, you would just stumble across rare pieces of gem that just blows your mind, and sometimes, it just so happens that the words themselves convey such a brilliant story--picturing out the atmosphere, situations, moods, and tones so clearly--that before you know it, your heart is hammering in your chest and your eyes are burning but you just can't stop reading.

And in those cases, if a few tears are the price of reading such an amazing thing, then so be it.

And these are the ones that will stick with you long enough, leaving an imprint in your chest and mind and heart, burning in the raw amount of feelings and choking emotions that you experienced so deep into your soul, that even if you won't remember what the story was about, you will forever remember that you have once been moved to tears by words itself, and that will forever be a memory and feeling that you will cherish forever.

So you see, 'words' are really powerful things.

--The 'End' Is Near--!!

It's already April, and somehow, Time has once again passed swiftly by without even a breath of it's presence making itself known. It's a peculiar thing, time. Sometimes, you feel as if the minutes, hours and days just drag by, and you can't help but wish that time would speed up. But other times, when you're knee deep in piling stress and anxiety, you just wished that you had more time because bloody hell, how can I possibly finish this assignment/project/homework?!

And then there are the moments when time passes by without you even noticing it, the times which you spent enjoying yourself, and you just happened to take a glimpse at the watch and was taken aback by just how much time had passed.

It's as if the memory of me starting my second semester in Uni was just yesterday, and yet, now I find myself nearing the end of it, and I can't help but wonder where did all the time go?

I've vivid memories of myself stuck in numerous representations of the above three scenarios, and yet now that I really sit down and think about it, it's a wonder that I didn't feel the days slipping swiftly and quietly by--just toeing at the edge of my conscience and yet making me unable to fully comprehend that time, my time, is passing away in such a quick and sneaky manner.

And looking at the calendar now--ohwhatthehell, there is only barely one month until my BIG EXAM(!!!)--I have to mourn the loss of passed time. But like a lot of other things, what's gone cannot be reclaimed back, particularly something like time which is so abstract and yet real at the exact same time. In which this just really makes me want to sucker punch Time in the gut if it has a physical representation, because it has once again pulled one over me.

But I guess that I've got to take a major part of the blame itself, seeing how I've wasted away perfectly good and decent and USEFUL time just to squander it away on mindless hours of things that I can't even fully recall now....*cries*

Yet, like all things, there is still hope, and with this one month, I do hope that I will be able to fully utilize it in the face of the coming ordeal, which is six MAJOR test in one row.

It really seems like a kind of make or break situation, which just churns my stomach and blur my senses with something very much like a 'healthy' mixture of panic and fear.

*crosses fingers* Do hope that everything will turn out okay....!!! O____O!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Something NEW~

It's been ages since I've updated both of my blogs, and to be quite honest, I've nearly forgotten the mere existence of this blog myself...! However, a sudden fleeting thought of nostalgia and interest had me recalling the link to my blogs (and surprisingly I could remember them without fail...), and a few quick taps of the keyboard had me scrolling through both of my blogs and laughing at the date of my last updated entry.

It's amusing how terribly good I am at procrastinating/abandoning things, and the little niggle of guilt on the fact that I've not persevered on is like a sharp blow of ice-cold conscience.

And so, this brings me to re-reading through all of the previous entries in this blog, and imagine my surprise when I realized that there are so many things that I've forgotten in this period of time. The memories are all precious to me, and yet they've somehow been stashed away in a deep, dark corner in my mind, and it wasn't until I've read the words and smiled at the stories that I've written in this blog that I remembered them with such a vivid clarity.

And that, I suppose, is the advantage of blogs. It's as if you're capable of taking out a memory and turning them into words -- forever immortalizing the scene/feelings/thoughts with a single blog entry. It's surely a wonderful thing, and it's brilliant in a sense that you'll always have the chance to recall them back just by reading back your own blog.

So, in a sudden burst of interest, I've decided to change the entire look of my blog. A fresh look for a fresh beginning~!

I'm rather fond of this new design~ I somehow find it more aesthetically pleasing, and the effort to re-new something that you once loved and had conveniently forgotten is always a pleasant feeling~!

Until next time then, in which I will talk more about my recent life, and in which I think the update would be fairly soon~ <3

P.S: To my beloved friends that I've sorely missed and have stuck through the years with my hot-and-cold + comatose/near death updating-blog-behaviour, I thank you sincerely for staying with me through all the thick and thin moments~ XOXO *hugs and kisses*