Thursday, March 24, 2011

Something NEW~

It's been ages since I've updated both of my blogs, and to be quite honest, I've nearly forgotten the mere existence of this blog myself...! However, a sudden fleeting thought of nostalgia and interest had me recalling the link to my blogs (and surprisingly I could remember them without fail...), and a few quick taps of the keyboard had me scrolling through both of my blogs and laughing at the date of my last updated entry.

It's amusing how terribly good I am at procrastinating/abandoning things, and the little niggle of guilt on the fact that I've not persevered on is like a sharp blow of ice-cold conscience.

And so, this brings me to re-reading through all of the previous entries in this blog, and imagine my surprise when I realized that there are so many things that I've forgotten in this period of time. The memories are all precious to me, and yet they've somehow been stashed away in a deep, dark corner in my mind, and it wasn't until I've read the words and smiled at the stories that I've written in this blog that I remembered them with such a vivid clarity.

And that, I suppose, is the advantage of blogs. It's as if you're capable of taking out a memory and turning them into words -- forever immortalizing the scene/feelings/thoughts with a single blog entry. It's surely a wonderful thing, and it's brilliant in a sense that you'll always have the chance to recall them back just by reading back your own blog.

So, in a sudden burst of interest, I've decided to change the entire look of my blog. A fresh look for a fresh beginning~!

I'm rather fond of this new design~ I somehow find it more aesthetically pleasing, and the effort to re-new something that you once loved and had conveniently forgotten is always a pleasant feeling~!

Until next time then, in which I will talk more about my recent life, and in which I think the update would be fairly soon~ <3

P.S: To my beloved friends that I've sorely missed and have stuck through the years with my hot-and-cold + comatose/near death updating-blog-behaviour, I thank you sincerely for staying with me through all the thick and thin moments~ XOXO *hugs and kisses*