Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Here I am, in front of my computer, staring at the monitor as I tried to type the second part of 'My Family'. But I haven't even got to the fourth line when I gave a frustrated growl and deleted everything. I just don't have the inspiration to write it now I think....So for my dear cat and housekeeper~Please be more patient as I figure out what to write...One of you did threatened to harm me if I din write good things about you.....And by 'you' I mean that silly gal who sit beside me during maths tuition and whose water bottle suddenly got a lot of ants during last Saturday~Yup, I mean YOU.

Anyway, I decided to write about something else instead~

Love. How much can you derive from this word? How many emotions, how many thoughts, how many actions that are caused by this simple word--Love. I bet not one person could answer me what love really is. Don't get me wrong now....The love I am speaking of is a universal kind. Family is a type of love. Friendship is a type of love. Romantic love is a type of love. There are many different types of love...More than one could imagine and it could be in different conditions and sight when you see it.

People do silly things for the sake of Love. They cry, they laugh, they get hurt over and over, they forgive, they forget, they sacrifice, they become selfish, they become a better person, they release their inner demons, they learn, they feel jealousy, they hate, they become silly, they become irrational.....A lot of things, that people would do for love. One couldn't possibly define Love, and I would not be as naive as that to try and figure it out. Love may be good but it can turn ugly too. It may be sweet but bitter too. It may heal but it may hurt. It may save but it may kill. It may help but it may destroy. It is like ying and yang at the same time. It is something neutral in this world that we all share. I think we are really all binded by it invisibly as we live on. As it really is everywhere. We can't see it, but we can feel it. Every time something makes me lose faith and hope, when I am sad and depressed, when I feel hateful and angry, it appears and reminds me of everything else that is worth smiling for, worth cheering up for, worth laughing for, and most ultimately, it is something that is worth living for.

If you are thinking how ridiculous I am sounding, I must say that I really feel so. Even for those who say that they don't need love, that they can live perfectly content with just themselves and then proceed to treat every single person like crap, is also in a form of love---They just contain all their love to themselves. It may be called selfish in a way but it is ultimately a form of twisted love. Yes, love can become distorted. It in itself is something that is pure and untainted, but the human heart which feels it and channels it can manipulate it to become something better or something bad. It depends. Family, Friends, Lovers.....All these kinds of love can become different and change with the passing of time. Sometimes it stays, but other times it slips away without you noticing, and sometimes no matter how hard you try grasping on to it, it will fall from your grasp and then you will find yourself falling hard. During these times, it is better to just let go and take a chance. It will just be more painful if you cling on to it desperately. When you know it's time to let go, just let go. But for other times, love reluctantly fades, it isn't disappearing, just fading, bit by bit....Before it is gone, one must first try to make things better, try to fix things up. During these times, take a chance to make a move, rather than stay silent. All of these apply to every kind of love, be it towards family, friends of lover.

For me, I must take a chance to say these things to some of my very close friends:

To you, whose love is unrequited, if you must, hang-on and you may try waiting, but try to look around once in a while, you might find something that surprises you, or someone.

To you, whose love is disappointed, move on, there is definitely someone for you. If the previous one wasn't 'The One', it's okay, with your qualifications there are definitely hundreds of people lining up to get a chance of being 'The One' of yours.

To you, whose love is blossoming, good luck, and cherish every single moment you have together, as it will all be the sweetest memories in your heart~

To you, who hasn't make a move, take a leap of faith for gods sake!! Are you going to stay in that corner in your shadows hoping one day he or she will notice you when you are not even in the light for him or her to see?!

To you, whose faith in love is lost, never give up, take a breather if you must but never immediately decline the opportunity to let Love near you~Rid yourself of those insecurities and have faith in yourself for once, and have faith in others to love you~

To both of you, whose love towards the other is mutual, get together already instead of asking me for tips~!!!>_<>_<>

P.S:I am going to revert back to my old cheery and carefree self once I finish posting this. I will deny to the end that I ever say I love you guys~I will say that this was just written in a spur of temporary madness and that I was on high fever by being bitten by the Love Bug...Normally I won't write so emo and mushy de things one....But for now, while I am half-mad and blur, I must say this again~Friendship Forever~I will forever love you all de~!!!No matter what happen~My motto is: Once a friend, Forever a friend, Even when you have become enemies!! O_O

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