Thursday, July 10, 2008

ThiS WeeK~

Here is a brief description of me 'eventful week'....(Ranging from 6 July 2008 to 10 July 2008)

Started my job as pengawas. Duty at 4 sc 2. Keep saying "Don't talk", "Shh!", "Be quite please." and "Please queue properly." until my mouth open and shut automatically. The effects of these words: Glares. Whispered scoldings. NOT whispered complaints. And more glares. After an arduous 20 so minutes, I went back to class and grumbled the whole first period. Similarly, Miao grumbled along with me. The rest of the day passed uneventfully.

The upside of this day: Found out that they are still normal people behaving like Sc 2 students. Realized got people of female gender which could act as if they are born like B****es. Realized the male population is getting more and more three-eight.

Second day as pengawas. Still duty at 4 sc 2. When the students were supposed to line up in pairs along the corridor outside the class I found that there were 2 girls leaning against the class window and wall. They were slumping. When I asked them to queue, I got an unexpected response from one of the mean-looking girls: "I just got dumped." After loud grumbles and curses, I managed to make both of them to queue properly. But the four girls, which I would refer to 4B from now(I trust all of you know what B means), kept talking as if they haven't spoken before in their life. After repeated sayings of "Please don't talk." and "Be quite please.", I received an unexpected response. The girl which supposedly 'got dumped' muttered a not so silent:
"If she asks me to stop talking and be quiet again I will hit her." I must say that the only thing refraining me from hitting her is my good-raising and will power. In that fleeting of a second, every single cell in my body seemed to tingle with inexpressible rage. After an agonizing 20 or so minutes, I went back to my class. This time, I didn't even bothered to start with grumbling, I shouted: "SHIT!! DAMN!! @#$%&*!!!! That B****!! No wonder she got dumped!!" And when Miao got back, she seemed as if she was in the same mood as me. After a period of her rambling, shouting and scolding, I found out that she was called 'dog' by a student. And thus, the whole class was forced to listen to me and Miao's violent outburst and fierce words. During a certain free period, I suddenly thought up an idea and I told Miao about it. "Hey, I think that if we go fight with them we will win nuh!" And so, we began to form plans of forming a "PENGAWAS PEK YAO GROUP". Needless to say, it's just meaningless thinking. And also, we passed the rest of the day gloomily.

The upside of this day: I have regained my sudden violent urge to hit someone. It has been lost since I entered Form 1, which was nearly 5 years from now. I found that I could muster the anger to hit someone which is of the same gender as mine. I found out I could say so many curses fluently. I found out that the only people acting like fools in that class is the 4B and the boys.

Wish of the day: I hope that gal...Oops...Sorry....Not gal, but a person of unknown gender(as IT is too violent to be a gal yet it wears skirt)...Ahem, I hope that IT never finds a BF or GF or anyone for that matter. Because only one poor EX-BF needs to suffer that much.

Third day as pengawas. Suffered as much as first and second day. The 4B still acts as if they have no brains...Which really make me wonder if they are Sc 2 students? And the boys are still as animal-like as always. After glancing around, I began to wonder if I had been so unfortunate to get the school's loudest, noisiest, most insufferable class as my first class....But it was better as Ah Sir and Mdm Liew got pass by and miraculously, those seemingly no-brain students possessed the mental capacity to know that they have to act silent and good in the teacher's presence. Ah Sir said to me: "Hsieh Yie, don't let them be!! Scold them. Scold them hard! And if you have to, KICK them!!" Seriously, I am finding that a fascinating and appealing idea...Especially the 'kick' part...As it is my block's turn to duty that recess, I find myself exiting class earlier to have some food. Unfortunately, my actions were not fast enough as I was forced to throw away a good half of my nasi lemak since I have to start duty already...Ugh...My poor nasi lemak...After recess, I found myself thinking that I have such sinful hands from touching every girl's pocket....

The upside of the day: FINALLY, I am adapting. I found that many girls have empty pockets/only have tissue/only have cash/only have shilings in their pockets. Received a kind word from cute fellow pengawas~Met my second wife as she came to school~

Wish of the day: Hope that tomorrow's morning pengumuman will be short~

Fourth day as pengawas. 4B are still that noisy but at least I can cope with it a bit. But GOD, are they irritating....Alas, my wish for SHORT pengumuman fell on deaf ears.....While I was silently mumbling 'Let it end...let it end...' in my heart, the teacher said that he will invite two students who won the state deklamasi BM thing to 'perform'...And my heart instantly sank. I know that they would not be so good as to stand there and listen. But this also confirms that I am really so 'FORTUNATE' to get the noisiest class of the whole school....When I am trudging back to class, Mdm Lew came and ask me how I was doing. I replied: "Ok....But they are really noisy!!!!". And we both laughed and joked about how I was like that before too...But honestly...I am not even up to the 4B's standard when I am Form 5....But it cheered me up~At night, I went to meet with me second wife. Miao, mashian and yoon keong also go. When I mentioned that my class is '4 sc 2', Yoon Keong immediately expressed a big "OH." And that cemented my belief that it is indeed the most difficult class to handle in the whole school...

The upside of the day: Unlike Miao, I don't have students asking me whether the girl who deklamasi sajak is beautiful or not as 4sc 2 has an excellent view of the balcony. I found out that they are indeed 4 sc 2 students as they are worrying about their English test and are frenziedly discussing literature. I am surprised that a person could move around that much and not fall down, but unlike Miao, I did not call her a cacing.

Wish of the day: Let tomorrow come earlier and I could be rid of this class~

Fifth day as pengawas. A very significant day as it is the last day I will guard that class. I was so happy that I even walked to the class happy and with a small spring in my steps. After the same routine of 20 minutes, I find myself in class exclaiming: "YES!!! I will not be guarding 4 sc 2 already~!!!" The whole day proceeded smoothly. I found that Miao was as thrilled as me. But now, we have to start worrying about next week's duty schedule....We are both praying we would not be as unfortunate as to get each others class....

The upside of the day: I was so happy that I am very attentive in Physics class and gained loads of knowledge. I am rid of 4 sc 2~!!

Wish of the day: Hope that I will get a good duty or a good class next week~

Small snippets of the week:
As new pengawas, we have a list of the old pengawas names that we have to ask them to sign before two weeks are over. And these few days we have been running around asking and begging for signatures. I must say some are very very good and helped us by signing. Some are a bit mischeivous and want us to do tasks. But others are just plain hateful and 'nge' as they just refused to sign. But it is pleasant to find out that there are more nice pengawas~YOSH! Hope that I will get all the signatures and won't have to do embarassing thing in meeting~!!

Benefits of this week:
I realized that my famed patience had been upgraded to god-like status as I could tolerate this class. I am more responsible and so is Miao. I managed to meet a lot of new people and am very happy for it~>_< _="">

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sayonara~My 'single' life......

"WHAT THE F***?!!"

This was my first response when I heard the words coming out from fellow classmate, ChunHui's mouth. His words:"...yiwen and you also become prefect..." kept passing through my mind like an endless mantra. I turned and looked at Miao a.k.a Yiwen a.k.a Mrs Tan beside me. On her face was the same shocked and disbelieved look which I assumed my face would be wearing at that same moment. For a mere second, we were silent. And then..."Hahahahahaha...No way that would be true lar~!!" "Yalor, you must have seen wrong lar...!!" With this response, we regained the fleeting moment of shining and sparkling hope in our eyes. Alas, that hope was brutally diminished when we were called for a briefing with the teachers in the prefect room. And again....

"HOLY SHIT! We really become pengawas?!"

To say me and Miao were confused and disoriented is the major understatement of the century.

And so, we went into the prefect room and got the briefing from the teachers. When I came out, Mr. Wong's words were forever stuck in my head:"...You must now behave like a pengawas, look like a pengawas, speak like a pengawas, walk like a pengawas...."

And when the words finally sink into my mind, my first thought was : I AM DOOMED. And i could pretty much see that Miao had the same words along mine in her mind too.

Really, me and yiwen?

We rarely do anything the 'pengawas' way.
1. We eat in class. (A LOT)
2. We play in class. (A LOT)
3. We talk in class. (A LOT)
4. We behave like three year-olds. (A LOT)
5. We play in the lab. (A LOT)
6. We study?--NEVER.

Conclusion: We are definitely NOT good students.

For example, have you ever seen two GOOD students throwing rubbers and ruler(for my part) at each other across the lab table? Also, have you ever seen GOOD students talk 'dirty' and play 'dirty'?(Exclusive for Ms Heng) In addition, have you ever seen GOOD students who simply don't do their homeworks and prefer to rushing or copying it in the mornings?

Answer to all those questions: ZERO.

As what I find myself repeatingly saying to Miao since we started Form 6: "Hey. I think both of us really might change what people think about Sc1 students..." And by saying that, I really mean: Hey, Miao ar, I think we both single handedly destroy whatever reputation and image of Sc1 that other people might have. And she couldn't have agreed more.

But now...And I quote: "Hasta la vista, my beautiful single life."

I am not getting married. But hell, being a pengawas is damn close to it already. My freedom to speak and eat is gone...GONE!! All those small moments of me and Miao sneaking pieces of food into our mouths from her beautiful and amazing and soon-to-be-useless compressible red tupperware would be gone forever. And so would the moments when we play the fool....(Which I really don't think I should describe in detail...It's too 'explicit' >_<)

Like what Miao said in her blog: GAME OVER.

And I agree with her whole heartedly.

The reality of this all still seems so surreal to me. And tomorrow I have to start my duty as pengawas already. And the horror of the uncertainties is making me squirm in my seat even as I am writing this. The fear and humiliation that may come scares me to death. And if that doesn't happen, I figure that I might starve to death sooner or later.

So before any of it happens and before I go mad, it's better to take the initiative right?

So, someone, ANYONE, please stab me.

P.S: One might visit Miao's blog and see her point of view on this matter.