Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sayonara~My 'single' life......

"WHAT THE F***?!!"

This was my first response when I heard the words coming out from fellow classmate, ChunHui's mouth. His words:"...yiwen and you also become prefect..." kept passing through my mind like an endless mantra. I turned and looked at Miao a.k.a Yiwen a.k.a Mrs Tan beside me. On her face was the same shocked and disbelieved look which I assumed my face would be wearing at that same moment. For a mere second, we were silent. And then..."Hahahahahaha...No way that would be true lar~!!" "Yalor, you must have seen wrong lar...!!" With this response, we regained the fleeting moment of shining and sparkling hope in our eyes. Alas, that hope was brutally diminished when we were called for a briefing with the teachers in the prefect room. And again....

"HOLY SHIT! We really become pengawas?!"

To say me and Miao were confused and disoriented is the major understatement of the century.

And so, we went into the prefect room and got the briefing from the teachers. When I came out, Mr. Wong's words were forever stuck in my head:"...You must now behave like a pengawas, look like a pengawas, speak like a pengawas, walk like a pengawas...."

And when the words finally sink into my mind, my first thought was : I AM DOOMED. And i could pretty much see that Miao had the same words along mine in her mind too.

Really, me and yiwen?

We rarely do anything the 'pengawas' way.
1. We eat in class. (A LOT)
2. We play in class. (A LOT)
3. We talk in class. (A LOT)
4. We behave like three year-olds. (A LOT)
5. We play in the lab. (A LOT)
6. We study?--NEVER.

Conclusion: We are definitely NOT good students.

For example, have you ever seen two GOOD students throwing rubbers and ruler(for my part) at each other across the lab table? Also, have you ever seen GOOD students talk 'dirty' and play 'dirty'?(Exclusive for Ms Heng) In addition, have you ever seen GOOD students who simply don't do their homeworks and prefer to rushing or copying it in the mornings?

Answer to all those questions: ZERO.

As what I find myself repeatingly saying to Miao since we started Form 6: "Hey. I think both of us really might change what people think about Sc1 students..." And by saying that, I really mean: Hey, Miao ar, I think we both single handedly destroy whatever reputation and image of Sc1 that other people might have. And she couldn't have agreed more.

But now...And I quote: "Hasta la vista, my beautiful single life."

I am not getting married. But hell, being a pengawas is damn close to it already. My freedom to speak and eat is gone...GONE!! All those small moments of me and Miao sneaking pieces of food into our mouths from her beautiful and amazing and soon-to-be-useless compressible red tupperware would be gone forever. And so would the moments when we play the fool....(Which I really don't think I should describe in detail...It's too 'explicit' >_<)

Like what Miao said in her blog: GAME OVER.

And I agree with her whole heartedly.

The reality of this all still seems so surreal to me. And tomorrow I have to start my duty as pengawas already. And the horror of the uncertainties is making me squirm in my seat even as I am writing this. The fear and humiliation that may come scares me to death. And if that doesn't happen, I figure that I might starve to death sooner or later.

So before any of it happens and before I go mad, it's better to take the initiative right?

So, someone, ANYONE, please stab me.

P.S: One might visit Miao's blog and see her point of view on this matter.

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