Wednesday, August 20, 2008

~Happy Family~(PART TWO)

Finally~~!! I am finally posting the second piece of ~Happy Family~Due to certain unforeseen circumstances (But mainly cuz I want to tease Miao so I din post it...*Evil Laugh*)before, I haven't been able to post it~Now, to continue with me 'family introduction'~

~My Son-In-Law~
SHE is my daughter's husband. Yup, it's a 'she', so you don't have to worried about your eyesight~She is a member of choir just like me and is the Naib Pengerusi~We were together as a group and entered Bakat Chung Hwa together for the past few years~She was always there and is a very best friend of mine~She is cheerful and cute but very short~>_<~She is also very popular de~Especially among those aunty uncles and those lower form students~She sings very very well~But she sometimes think too much too~Haha~Those in my family seem to have a tendency to think too much...Dunno why...She is also very good with my second wife and the three of us aways 'kisiao' together~Although you see her all cute and nice, she also can get very scary when she is angry.....Like become a totally different person...Trust me, you certainly don't want to be the person she is mad at....

And now, I must state the relationship that she has with my family besides being my daughter's husband. Okay, here goes: She is my daughter's husband. She is my affair. She was upgraded to the status of my third wife for a brief period. She is my second wife's wife. She is my housekeeper's sister. She and my second wife have a daughter and a son. The daughter and son are considered as my granddaughter and grandson.

Haha~Confused liao mar?? Also, she is called polar bear~She is now studying to be a nurse in UM~Hope she will graduate fast fast and go infect others with that cute smile of hers~Gambate yo~My darling son-in-law~!!

~My HouSeKeePeR~
My god~!!She has to be the most strongest short person that I know~!!I met her during Form 1 but it was not until Form 2 where we studied at the same class that we really got to become close friends...After becoming friends, we always kisiao together. She is quite short, has big eyes and wears spectacles. She is also very very white and has rosy cheeks. Whenever she gets mad or excited, her face become as red as tomato. Trust me, it really is THAT red. Besides that, I think this gal might have a bit of superhuman strength...Why? Because during our Form 2 years, whenever we play the fool and fight each other while sitting on the same chair, there was never ONCE that I managed to push her down the chairs...It was always me who got pushed down....ME!! Getting push down by a weak looking and small person...And I think I must have been TWICE her size...*SHIVERS*....Really--Never judge a person by looks alone....O_O"

Also, she is the person who always discuss with me things about books or movies, or animes or comics. It seems both of us have the same interest in this perticular area. Also, her house has a BIG cabinet with quite a number of books, which makes me always borrowing books from her~Sorry ya~P.Rung~She is also my number ONE food supplier during recess. She always come to my class and shares her food with me~*SOBS* Thank you so much~!!If it wasn't for you I might have starved to death dy~!!Besides that, she is also very good with my first wife~I must say she is kind of like the introducer between me and huey shenn....She also is my accomplice in teasing my STUPID cat~!!!*EVIL LAUGH*

Dear Pei Rung ar, you see I right such GOOD things bout you, while Ah Miao keep complaining about you didn't give her anything to eat~Can c I am the better person leh~~O_O~Therefore, next time you come back we both go *AHEM* Ah Miao nah~Wakakaka~~

P.S: Dun keep saying I din give you gaji leh~I so good liao mar....>_<.....Besides, you don't need me to feed you mar...Your shop got SOOO many breads and cakes~

~My CaT~

HAIZ. Really dunno where to start about this cat nih...(Too many weird+bad things to say until dunno how to put in words...>_<)...Hmm~Let's see, this is a very very sikong 'cat', who always think her status sipe high and likes to dismiss the fact that she was a STRAY my kind-hearted and pretty younger daughter picked up....Besides that, she also very like to scold my second wife as 'perempuan jalang' when it is very CLEAR that her status is lower than my second wife~Ah Miao ar~If I have to choose between Yenjie and you I sure choose her de nuh~~Wakakaka~Dun cry nuh~>_<~(Who call you write me so bad in your blog~??BLEK!!) Also, she like to pretend innocent and flutter her eyelids when she wants to deny something or wants something. She likes to 'seduce' people too...By 'seduce', I mean: Dragging her smelly and wearing stocking feet over your legs, using her SINFUL hands to grope and touch you and also hugging and throwing her so called "SEDUCTIVE" looks at you. Really~!!As if she thinks that by doing so will help her get the way she wants...Ah Miao ar, by doing so you only make other's value decrease nia...As your "Tidak BERNILAI" hands touch people will make others lose value de you know mar???

Also, this cat also very untruthful de....She ming2 ming2 is the wife of TKS but still dun want to admit it. But let me tell you something, by sitting behind her and TKS for a year and now sitting beside her, I can definitely say that these two not only "ada highway" but the highway already tar beautifully and with signposts erected nicely liao....But the both of them getting more and more daring liao I think..."Daring" in a sense of public display of LOVE and AFFECTION, also the NAME CALLING and the POKING and having FUN around one another, and also the sneaking GLANCES and the unforgettable moment of TRUTH where one party says "I LOVE YOU" to the other.......ETC. (OMG!!I am so getting KILLED for writing and publishing this....T_T) Anyway, what I was saying is they are getting along well, which makes me, as the head of the family, to feel very happy and relax about....But recently Ah Miao like very sexually frustated as she keeps groping me...O_O....And other people too....She seems to be having the "seven year itch" and is preying for VICTIMS....She seems to have found one by the special number of 21.19 liao....HAHAHAHA~~(Ah Miao~You know who I am talking bout rite?)Also, she now oso jalang want steal TKS's cousin, Zhen Jee....See? Such an annoying cat...

But to the brighter side of this cat of mine, she is a very straightfoward and nice person. She also quite caring de~But she is also a person who thinks too DAMN much....She is a karate-do champion who once represented our nation~She is also a person who appreciates friendship a lot and also someone who is quite responsible( a way...). She is also very rebellious and is said to be a very "BEBAS" person by Mr. Tan Ao and "the happiest girl in school' by Mr. Yean L.H.

You see!! I write so many good things about you....>_<.....So dun kill me nuh~I finally got write about you liao mar~!!>_<

~My DoG/My CaT's "HUBBY"~

As he INSISTS that I write about him, claiming that he is ALSO a part of the family, I am going to tell you bout Mr. TKS~I must have known him for about 8 to 9 years now, but it wasn't until Form 2 that we got more along. He is a nice person with a good heart but sometimes his mouth just tends to blurt things out unexpectedly. This is the main cause, I think, for the rivalry before and also making Ah Miao bu shuang him in the first place...But now he has really changed quite a lot liao and I really salute him for willing to make the change....But he still likes to pretend sak....=_="....He is voted as monitor for two years in a row liao showing that he actually quite responsible...I say 'quite' cuz he still not that good lui~>_<...But sometimes this person really very kiam pak for his attitude and doings~But he is still a very good friend of mine~A bit goofy at times but quite an ok person. He is also very scared of being poked but still want hand-itch go poke other people...Making him to become the victim in the end...=_="....Nowadays, whenever I see him, Ah Miao and Zhen Jee hanging around each other, I will immediately have this thought: "WOW. Really look like family." (Damn...I am SOOOOOOO getting killed for writing this...) Also, he is like the bitter love prince (...or toad..?) that always faces a wall in relationships...Haiz...Pity you lar Siang~If you somehow manage to read his blog, you will find it filled with bitter complaints and heart rending memories~Really, can't you write more cheerful things??!! Also, he likes to sing very much but somehow whenever he sings, Ah Miao will look like she is getting tortured or getting killed (it depends on what song he sings....>_<).....

P.S: I can't say too many good things about him as I am afraid his head and ego will become so big he can't walk or even stand~

That's it~!!The second part of "My Family"~Hope you managed to get a quite clear picture of my 'slightly' dysfunctional 'Family'~

No complaints bout me not writing about you two
liao noh~Mr.TKS and Ms. Heng?? >_<

P.S: I was having a bit of a headache when I wrote the Miao and TKS part, so there MIGHT
be parts that are merely my IMAGINATION~O_O......So dun believe everything nuh~Miao and TKS are just "friends" (or so they say.....But I find room for improvement...>_<)....But it MIGHT also be that I am writing this cuz I dun want to be killed or hurt badly by some people that I MIGHT have mentioned in this blog...(Notice I used a lot of 'MIGHT'.....)


d3viL voW~ said...

WOW!终于等到我们出场了。等到老啦 Miss Pitchar EeWWW!! 但这一切都要怪那只死猫lol................但为了要kenak 她,我忍!!Wah! 不要让你饿死是因为要帮你的老婆省起力气收拾你遗留下的烂摊子。(“关系”搞得乱七八糟的家)还有那些你欠我的工钱(钱没到手,你不准死!)Hahaha...................................
这主人啊!脸皮还真厚,请你吃那么多,还想赖镇着工钱不还,没道理。欺人啊!(真是忘恩负义 T.T....)是你自己说的, “i don't need u 2 feed” but u need me 2 feed u rite? hahaha 所以工钱应双倍才对!:p
Haha.......这次不得不承认 u ady become better person.(上面那些不能算进去o~ ~)放心吧!我决不会放过 “AHEM” Ah Miao 的机会的。Wakaka~~

I think u ady can write a blog “love story” just for your cat n dog ady. I think the story u write bout them wont dissapointed me rite? Bout u MIGHT be killed de problem don't worry coz I wont let u die be4 I receive my gaji! !Hahaha.......

p/s:dono why every time the comment for u is the longest.....may be ur blog 2 long gua......hahahaha....:p

Sebastian the Crabby said...

Eh! I know you envy my green bottom socks na~dun pretend tat u hate it.
Yer! P. Rung is soooo pian1 xin1! she nvr gimme food n now she stand at ur side, kenak me hor~
To PR: U wait la na next time u come back! Muahaha~
I din steal ZJ oso jalang lok, keep curang-ing with her in front of me~
Eler~you oso got sinful hands na, since we both got duty at canteen...I think urs is more sinful than mine, coz u once duty at canteen 4 2 weeks!
U la...make me loose value, I'm TIDAK TERNILAI, OK? TIDAK TERNILAI!!!!
u wait la tis coming ttn, u sure get killed!!!

- cUlTiVaTeD CiViLiAn - said...

Eeww... write till so... i m speechless now.. regretted to ask u to put me in ur family.. uh-uhh... u die lor me.. my image.. "liao liao" lor.. btw.. hu is the son-in-law n housekeeper??? y i dono de??

- cUlTiVaTeD CiViLiAn - said...

holy crab.. sry yea juz now i din read finish the part of housekeeper.. hehe.. i juz noe that is pr.. aikz.. she got so strong meh?? doubtful~