Monday, August 18, 2008

I am now "Pitchar EeWWW~!!"

Haiz...Is it just my imagination, or are my nicknames getting more and more??Now with the newly added "eewwwww" behind "pitchar", I have officially received a new name....Really, do these 18 year-olds have to just pick every response I make and then use them against me?!Haiz....Also, I keep having a feeling that I am always getting teased...Yeah, yeah, so what if I am smaller than a year by all of you?Doesn't mean I could be teased...=_="......But it was all just friendly gestures and quite good fun though~>_<~Hahaha... And there is still that 'Tidak BERNILAI" person who keeps insisting she is "TidakTERNILAI"......You know I mean u rite??She keeps sikong she very priceless and wanna pretend she like the "extra virgin olive oil" but in reality........Eeeww~Hahahahahahaha~I just joking lar~Dun get mad nah~I know u very 'PURE' lui lar~But I must say I am very glad to c u n ur dear hubby a.k.a Mr.Tan K.S getting along so well lar~It really makes me wanna cry..*SOBS*....Also, if you two din realise, you two got a lot in common, so you two should be able to become good good friends if you want. Let's see.....

1. Both of you can't eat seafood....Except fish of course....
2. Both of you always like to kacau people~>_< style="color: rgb(51, 51, 255);">Conclusion: Both of you should definitely get more closer lar~Dun shy shy de.....Hahahahaha....I wait for GOOD NEWS nuh~Ah-Ms. Sikong-Sendiri-Tidak-Ternilai-Miao ar~You dun 'fake dead' nah.....Ppl TKS edi so open bout ur relationship liao u mar accept lar~O_O

Now, on to more relevant matters-->My recent school life:

As editor to this year's majalah CH, I must say it really isn't an easy matter....Have to keep going to look for teachers and oso sort things out.....Haiz....So busy in school until always go home and sleep a lot...Make my mum wonder wat happen to me nia....Also, I am very very paiseh to say that I very behind on the recent teachings...Let me enlighten all of you by wat I mean by saying "BEHIND"=

I already dunno drowned in wat chemical edi....Our dear sir teach with such god-speed that everything seems like a blur to me....And god-speed+not attentive during classes=empty chemistry info....And watching as Big Bro and Second Bro so attentive and always discussing Chemistry just make me feel more wanna go bang myself on the wall or dig a DEEP HOLE and bury myself and never come out again....And whenever I do find myself listening to him, it would be more like staring at him with big question marks atop of my head, and whenever he whip around with the cheery and easy-going lopsided smile and ask us: "....., bukan?" or "Do you understand?", I felt as if I could die of SHAME....!!!
Haiz....My dear lovely sir, Mr. Ng, I really really like you to bits but I am so ashamed of not keeping up with your classes~~!!!*CRIES* I swear I AM going to bring my Chemistry back to the standard you are teaching~YOSH!!!

I think I must have been thrown out of the circular motion as I dun have enough centripetal force.....Ever since starting Chapter 4(And we are now in Chapter 7 liao...), I seem to be caught in a daze whenever I am having Physics class....The main reason for my falling back is due to the 'holy-than-thou' Mr.Yam who insists on me going for elocution competition...And after all the hard training and rushing of script, and sitting in Mr.Yam's car for maybe 2 hours hearing him preaching while worried to death about my safety, and going to ulu-place called Bukit Jawa only to find out I am the ONLY competitor so that means I am the so called Champion...And now I have to proceed to state level again!!!Ugh...Curse you, Mr.Yam. Anyway, due to certain unforeseen circumstances and other things, I am now still lost, going round and round the roundabout while others have already taken a trip to the moon/sun to study gravitational force and then back again....=_="
Haiz again, really, I should be stoned. Having such a handsome Physics teacher and I still can't pay attention....Someone, please kill me!!
Note to self: Besides Chemistry, I still have to brush up on my PHYSICS....I AM a PHYSICS student damn it~!!

Mathematics T1:
OH! That's my only thought whenever I see her. I must say, she sure doesn't disappoint our expectations by wearing the most unimaginable clothes ever. There was this once instance where she wore a very "beautiful" pure bright red with flashes of white dress/shirt/blouse? thing that had me blinking every three seconds I looked at her....Ugh...The horror....Anyway, I must say this is my most well kept up to date subject...Due to her recent outburst which led to her new interest in checking our homework, I have been diligently doing AND finshing her homework...Therefore, I guess flashy clothes and 'unique' personality sure helps me in my T1....

Mathematics T2:
Ugh....My maths T2....Nothing more could be said. Although it's not as bad as Chemistry where I don't know even an inch of what's he is talking bout, I know Maths T2, with the help of tuition of course, but I must still groan when T2 is mentioned...Why? Cuz....I think I haven't done her homework for more like a century liao...And my homework is now the same height as Mount Everest I think...(Although my Physics homework seems to be on the same level too...) Anyway, another note-to-self: FINISH T2 HOMEWORK~!!!

DAMN. There is simply no other word to start describing my MUET classes. This is the class where I could sleep through without feeling even the remotest feeling of guilt. Of course, being the well disciplined person I am(AHEM...) I prefer to just stare blankly at Mr.Yam or just play the fool with Ms. Heng. Anyway, I am definitely not going to listen to his bulls***......Because with every single period, he just seem to manage to turn and twist the subject until he has the opportunity to start preaching....And when he isn't quoting from the Bible, he would discussing WEIRD things....Like that particular period where he shows great interest in sodomy and starts discussing about it...My gainings from that class: Sodomy comes from the 'sodom'. I could gape for quite long....Never before have I seen so many people taking the slightest interest in MUET class....
So, as you could plainly see, there is really no other way to approach this matter except the word: DAMN.
Haiz.....As Mr.Yam would quote, and I quote: May God save my MUET.....

Haiz...There you have it, my recent 'progress'.....That and coupled with a few things that happen recently, I must say I am really drowned...Mentally and Physically...Therefore, I must say that this holiday will certainly bring me some good to catch a breath and start catching up~YOSH! Gambate~Fighting~!!

P.S: I hope I won't get murdered by Ms.Heng and Mr.Tan when they see this blog....But if you were to find me stuffed and all bloodied in an alley somewhere.....You would know who to look for....O_O"


Sebastian the Crabby said...

fake dead your head la!
Walau! Your skin really itchy izit?
Same same la editor...sorry for keeping you running the whole day, finding mr. wong... recently naik hiao, wanna go Jonathan's place, dunno wanna do wat nih!
My homework can make a staircase to the moon liao la...same wf u na~ dun envy CCH for having 'balls' la, you oso got ma(kok yong say de)...
Prepare bandages and fill ur hp account wf money, you're gonna need it to call for ambulance...hehe~

Huii said...

oii miao,
u oso hav.
jz hidden sumwer inside ur body.
sry i m perv as owiz.
oh yam
hsieh yie rmb da time v tok those 18XX things wid sing yee?
da time our UNCLE YAM oso tokin abt PORNOGRAPHY eh!

vialynv said...

Who's ur physics teacher? Not the 'Ah Sir' sir right?