Monday, October 27, 2008

Jz A NoTe~

Yup~Don't worry, this won't be a LONG post. Just a very short one to express my gratitude to someone who I realized I love and miss terribly.

The person in question is my 'big wife' a.k.a Ms SHS....Or should I start calling her Mrs L**? Haha...Anyway, I really realised that whenever I feel sad or depressed, the first person who pop in my mind is her. I will have the extreme urge to call her and just tell her everything. Just by listening to her voice will calm me. Due to recent events *ahem*, I find myself calling her again. And when I heard her voice its like everything just started flowing out--worries, sadness, happiness and all that commotion. I can say that she is one of my best best friends who always beside me and support me. And for that I really am grateful, although I can't begin to tell her how grateful I am~

She's like the ultimate friend in my heart that whenever I listen to her voice I will become happier and calmer...Her advice always helps too~Aiyo~I admire LZK for having her loh~He is the luckiest man in the world man~HAHA~Oh god, I hope she doesn't kill me when she reads this...Anyway, she is really really the 'bestest wife' that any 'man' can hope to get lar~>_< Maybe its because we share the 'husband-wife' thingy that makes her have a radar which can automatically tune in to my frequency~Hmm...What kind of wave will that be? (OMG, read too much Physics until PITCHAR-ED liao~!) Also, it may be because we already 'stay together' for 2 long years in school that she understands me so well and vice versa. As she so dear a friend to me I must say that I really really miss her nowadays...

Haha, I can already start imagining her face when she reads this post....Haiyo~'Lao Po' dun feel awkward or paiseh lar~And don't scold me nuh~>_< But I will never know if she does read my blog as she NEVER leaves comments for anyone...She is a cute and weird person who writes a blog which the address nobody knows and then just reads it herself. Yup, numerous times I have asked for her blog's address but she just smiles and says it is just a fun thing for her to read....=_="

Anyway~A BIG THANK YOU and Love You and MISS YOU SO MUCH~!!! to my darling 'wife'--Ms. SHS~

P.S: Don't be mad for me at writing MUSHY things about you nuh~You so good you won't hunt me with a butcher knife one I think....Also, Mr LZK, I have no intent of snatching Ms. SHS from you so you also needn't kill me~The LOVE is a family-friend kind of thing~HAHA~

P.S 2: I am back from my 3 day 2 night stay in Johor~I will be updating my blog about it the next time~I will be putting up pictures~!!


[johnny_kin] said...
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[johnny_kin] said...

oo I know who u're talkin abt, I call her ZK's grandma in cheras, hehe... didn't know she has a blog..just dropping by...

Sebastian the Crabby said...

Got wife still wanna curang wf PEANUT~
Haha...she's your TRUE WIFE~
You should be grateful that you have her to listen to you and me who create problemS to you so that your days won't so dull~~~