Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Recent Life....

It's officially the school holidays dy...But unlike other years, I find myself stuck in my busiest holiday ever...Normally by now I have already drowned myself in countless hours of tv watching/computer watching/internet surfing/story books ...etc. But now I think I am drowning in meetings and more meetings...Haha, but the upside is most of the meetings(although tiresome..) are very fun and it is great to be with friends and discuss things~

In respond to Miao's blog which suddenly seems more and more like to 'bom' me, I must say that my mind is not yellow coloured unlike wat Miao claims it to be..U know mar~SOME people just like to point at others to hide ther fact that they are actually like that...>_< Haiz. Remembering Chem tuition make me wanna eat char siew pao pulok...I havent eaten any for quite some time liao~

Yesterday, I got the shot at being a 'director' and I must say that it's a very very very TIRING affair...Even more so with an 'employee' like MIao....(O_O") HAHAHA~But still~It's a very fun experience, and my greatest thanks to all the crew and the cameramen Tang Yang and Khang Siang and Chun Hui~They all did a marvellous job~!! And of course to Sing Yee, Tang Yang and Zhen Jee for sacrificing in many many ways~I won't go into detail about wat we are doing cuz it's still a CONFIDENTIALSECRET but the answer will be revealed in time~

Also, yesterday was my darling daughter's birthday and I wish her a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! She's finally eighteen and from Miao's mouth I quote: "Eh Jun, you eighteen dy!!! Can watch certain movies by yourself liao ar~!" *AHEM* Therefore, with such evidence, one must surely see the reasoning in Miao being the 'qiao-est' of us all and then that she was the one POLLUTING us~!!

Regarding my workload, I still find it heaping into an impressive pile and I must say it seems like a long, LONG way before my work is finished...And I haven't even calculated the factor of holiday homework into the pile YET....=_="

Oh yeah, I had wanted to upload some pictures for some time now but still I haven't put up any~Well, here's a pic that I took when a group of us went for 'kembara-ing' a while back~

In front: My pretty third wife Zhen Jee, The always blur, fair and good-looking Seong Yong, Very very very QIAO Yi Wen aka Miao(U can know she qiao by looking at her face...>_<), The very very tall Hoon Leng, and the 'NOOB dad' Chun Hui; Behind is Hoe Cheong who Miao dunno why like to call 'pig' and whose eyes is very small~O_O Well, that's all for now~Until next time lor~

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mindless Rant~

Elo~Another new post~!! Haiz....Know that I am not the most hardworking person like someone in updating her blog but I vow to update more during the holidays~!!

Speaking of holidays....It is almost the school holidays~!! This is the last week of school and I am sort of glad that I would have some more time to 'rot' at home~But with the workload I am lugging along, I am not that sure that this holiday will be such a breeze...At least in school there's still the teachers to consult and friends that are easy to discuss with. But during the holidays, everyone will god knows be at where and it would be a tough job to finish everything...

Most of my workload is due to the school magazine...It seems that all the documents have accidentally possessed a mental state of wanting to make my life harder and disappeared themselves....And there are just some teachers who are so good at taiji quan that I am blurred just by trying to figure out where they have pushed away all the files and documents....But at least everything is sort of coming into picture...Haiz...The hard part now is compiling all the documents, make the necessary changes, refile the documents, recheck the documents for errors, plan out the whole magazine(pictures, drawings, the way things should look...etc.) and then when all this is done, there is still the hard part of going to the publisher and negotiating with them....

And I must say I have really seen the peak of dear Mr. Wong's choosiness....The designs/graphics are the worst part...Every drawing just seems to blend into something ugly and detestable in his eyes...I know he is very particular and strict and that he has high expectations so he demands everything to be 'professional' and that he just wants our school magazine to have 'standards' but the looks on Ah Fong and Miao's face whenever I tell them their work was rejected is just pure pain to me....I feel like whenever I stab a wound in their heart by returning their work to them, I am stabing a BIGGER hole in mine....And I really didn't dare to tell them the real things that Mr. Wong said....It would just tear their hearts apart...And I am sure by then I will not have the courage to even continue doing such a cruel thing....Haiz...But what's the point in ranting? I AM the editor, and I have to remain 'professional' and not confuse my feelings with my responsibility. And being an editor demands me to put myself in the same range as Mr. Wong's thoughts and force me to do the best for the magazine...But still... HAIZ.

And another thing that doing this magazine lets me to learn is how confusing and disturbing and obstructing school politics could be....I am too lazy to go into further detail as some things might just involve teachers I like but the conclusion is that due to silly misunderstandings/ miscommunications/ stupid un-teacher-like thoughts, the staff has made it a harder job for me to get the things I require for the school magazine...Or maybe its my fault for not fulfilling my tasks sooner? This is a question I will never get the answer to...

Haiz...School holidays. And my magzine isn't done yet...Last year the magazine was done before school holidays....But this year it will be a dream to finish it by this week...HAIZ. Just hope everything turns out OKAY.

Another thing about school holidays that make me sienz is the holiday homework...I swear that the work load is beginning to look like a hill rather than a heap. A good thing is that some homeworks are to be done as a group and if all else fails there is still friends to turn to right??

Holidays also mean unlimited hours at home and I am sure I might just die of BOREDOM. But I am pretty sure that won't be too soon as boredom only comes after one has finished all her work. And with the commotion with the oncoming prefect camp and the school magazine I am pretty sure it will come later than expected.

Speaking of prefect camp....During holidays it seems a lot of F6 prefects will not be around...Again, I hope that everything turns out OKAY. Again, not only in my school magazine, school politics have come in the way...Good thing it is sorted out already(I think....).

With the feeling of unfulfilment and the pressure of workload and also with the factor of the moody weather counted inside, more than ever I wish that my wife and also my housekeeper is back in KB and with me....Ah Miao has been a great support all this while but even though I matter to her I still know that I can't be compared to 'someone' de~Ah Miao ar, I know that you will read this and don't be hurt or what, cuz we both know who you are gonna save when both of us are drowning...Besides, I can swim for myself mar....And let you chance be hero and have ZJ sayang you for a change~Blek~

Anyway, I am trying my best not to moody...With workload+homework load+pressure+certain relationship problems+stupid moody weather that always make people wanna sleep or cry+stupid teachers who make everything complicated---(1), I am surprised that I haven't pitchar-ed. Of course, with such a bian tai personality like mine+supportive friends+efficient workers+over-optimistic and joyful personality---(2), I am pretty certain I am coping pretty well~And I am sure that even if I take (2) to minus out (1), I will still have a lot of excess energy to battle a monster (or two? >_<)

Therefore, this is just another mindless rant bout my current life~Again, Ah Miao, Don't think too much after reading this. Even with me carrying 5 big files which weigh about 8-10kg+School bag which is full of thick books+A small bag which weighs bout 3kg, I am sure I can handle it well de...(Just that my shoulders and hands will ache everyday...T_T)

Just remember: Life is make up of smiles and sweet memories~Nothing else matters as much that will disrupt Life~!!