Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Recent Life....

It's officially the school holidays dy...But unlike other years, I find myself stuck in my busiest holiday ever...Normally by now I have already drowned myself in countless hours of tv watching/computer watching/internet surfing/story books ...etc. But now I think I am drowning in meetings and more meetings...Haha, but the upside is most of the meetings(although tiresome..) are very fun and it is great to be with friends and discuss things~

In respond to Miao's blog which suddenly seems more and more like to 'bom' me, I must say that my mind is not yellow coloured unlike wat Miao claims it to be..U know mar~SOME people just like to point at others to hide ther fact that they are actually like that...>_< Haiz. Remembering Chem tuition make me wanna eat char siew pao pulok...I havent eaten any for quite some time liao~

Yesterday, I got the shot at being a 'director' and I must say that it's a very very very TIRING affair...Even more so with an 'employee' like MIao....(O_O") HAHAHA~But still~It's a very fun experience, and my greatest thanks to all the crew and the cameramen Tang Yang and Khang Siang and Chun Hui~They all did a marvellous job~!! And of course to Sing Yee, Tang Yang and Zhen Jee for sacrificing in many many ways~I won't go into detail about wat we are doing cuz it's still a CONFIDENTIALSECRET but the answer will be revealed in time~

Also, yesterday was my darling daughter's birthday and I wish her a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! She's finally eighteen and from Miao's mouth I quote: "Eh Jun, you eighteen dy!!! Can watch certain movies by yourself liao ar~!" *AHEM* Therefore, with such evidence, one must surely see the reasoning in Miao being the 'qiao-est' of us all and then that she was the one POLLUTING us~!!

Regarding my workload, I still find it heaping into an impressive pile and I must say it seems like a long, LONG way before my work is finished...And I haven't even calculated the factor of holiday homework into the pile YET....=_="

Oh yeah, I had wanted to upload some pictures for some time now but still I haven't put up any~Well, here's a pic that I took when a group of us went for 'kembara-ing' a while back~

In front: My pretty third wife Zhen Jee, The always blur, fair and good-looking Seong Yong, Very very very QIAO Yi Wen aka Miao(U can know she qiao by looking at her face...>_<), The very very tall Hoon Leng, and the 'NOOB dad' Chun Hui; Behind is Hoe Cheong who Miao dunno why like to call 'pig' and whose eyes is very small~O_O Well, that's all for now~Until next time lor~


Sebastian the Crabby said...

Har! You revealed the kembara secret!
Yer yer...I where got qiao2?
It's YOU, Keng Sheng and Hoe Cheong that lecture me de nah!
Eler~I menggadaikan my dignity for you liao nah!
I got bom you meh? where got...(learn from you:-EVIL LAUGH-)
But I think Chia Hui teach me to become qiao eh~
she even tell me that I got improvement in the sense of QIAONESS~
Anyway, next time chem tuition we got get some char siew pao nah!

JaN~ said...

wat lar...where got reveal?? Me din say want go where or when or wat wana do...And if u mean the pondok we take at such isolated place ppl wont know de lar...

d3viL voW~ said...

Every bolg of u n ah miao seems like 2 ppl de “口水战”. I think if both of u really quarrel up,(hmm not quarrel jz booming each other) both of u de sliver will make KELANTAN get into big banjir.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I've added your link to my blog. Hope you don't mind!
It's abt time I catch up with u all bloggers!