Saturday, March 28, 2009

Physics Tuition~

Yesterdays Physics tuition was a HORROR.

Sir started teaching Electrostatics. Dunno because the chapter damn confusing or because we are not in the mood, everyone seems to be restless. (Or is it just me...?)

Anyway, not even halfway through the tuition and I was already kind of dozing off. My eyelids were heavy, I kept yawning, my eyesight blurred...I kept glancing at my watch and told Yin Ting things like: "Still got 3 hours!!!", "Ugh....2 hours and 50 minutes left.." or something like that. Poor Yin Ting...

Well, fortunately, after slapping myself, I became awake again. The bad thing--I became too energetic...

So, for the second half of the tuition = Squirming in my seat, daydreaming, look at everywhere, talking etc.

But the worst was for the last half hour.

I became crazy at that point. Yup. CRAZY.

Sir would say things like: "So here, because of the Gaussian blah blah, I am going to use this method. Okay?" And I would be making weird replies (discreetly of course): "No....Cannot....Nya..." Or something like that.

Yup. My brain is officially FRIED.

And my weirdness also includes uncontrollable laughter. I dunno why, but the smallest thing made me laugh so much my stomach hurts. I can't control it. I just could not stop laughing. Uak...Felt like I was high on something. (But definitely not because of Miao sitting beside me...>_<)

Poor Jia Wei and Zhee Shin, they kept looking back to see what was the matter with me..I suppose by the end of the tuition, all of us wasn't really paying attention anymore...Haha.

Therefore-->I was KISIAO-ing, Yi Wen and Yin Ting are helping me not Kisiao, Zhen Jee and the rest are blur and kept observing why and how I Kisiao...O_O

Well, I blame it on the fact that I was blurred from the stupid Electric Potential and Work Done...Stupid Electrostatics...

In the end, I was making weird noises like cooing sounds and syllables like: "La~Lalalala~~!!" and "Nyah...Nya~!!" or something like that.

My 3rd wife asked: "Hsieh Yie! What's wrong?"

Guess what I did--> Smiles at her..."Nyah~!!" =_="

Finally, sir said: "It looks like all of you are exhausted. Let's stop early today."

It was quite a shock. Sir NEVER gave us back early. It was either late or on time.

Therefore, to sum it up, our restless behavior has caused three things:

1.Sir was quite patient with us today.
2.Sir actually gave us a BREAK!!
3.Sir noticed how exhausted, blur, confused and tired we were when he was teaching bout what E=dV/dx that he stopped the teaching for next time and let us do a bit of exercise first.
4.We were released EARLY!

To tell the truth, not only was we drained, I felt that Sir was drained too...Again, stupid Electrostatics!!

HAIZ. I hope I will be normal this coming Tuesday for the extra Physics tuition...Or else...


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mixed Feelings....

Hello~It's been a long time since I updated...Since my third wife asked me, so here I am, updating my blog...(See...I am such a GOOD 'husband'...)

Anyway...Recently I do have a few things to write...How to say..Let's just say there are a few lessons learned and a few feelings put aside. First and foremost, about my dear, dear cat. Ah Miao seems to be having some problems with her stomach and was admitted to USM. After being discharged her pain started again and was again sent back in. After the doctors tried without success to stop her painkiller(as the pain came back) Miao's mum decided to send her to KL hospital for treatment. So, now she's in KL...

Of course, without her, the class is extremely quiet...Which proves that I aint the one who is noisy...But as Kok Yong so adequately puts it, we are like catalysts to each other for a reaction to occur. Without the other, we cannot fully undergo the weird chemical reaction which induces us to become noisy. Also, as mushy as this sounds, all of us really miss her as we don't have the person to kenak together..(Haha...Jz kidding...)

Oh~All of us also prepared a welcoming back gift for her~But for now, what it is remains a secret..But I am certain it would make her want to laugh and cry at the same time~Therefore: GET WELL SOON, MIAO~!! WE ARE ROOTING FOR YOU~!! (P/S: You must recover faster and come back or else you might find that you have a stack of homework higher than the himalayas waiting for you... Ms. Lee has been weirdly EFFICIENT recently which makes it a pain in the a** for us...>_<)

Also, a good news to say is that our class T2 teacher is becoming more and more pretty each day~(O_<) She is actually quite pretty as she has a slim and petite figure, long flowing and silky black hair, a nice smile, and a lovely lovely blush to top it off. But she always dresses too old for her age with the so called 'AUNTY' style clothes. But recently there has been a dramatic change and she starts wearing more tight fitting and suitable and modern dresses and blouses and skirts. This excites us to no end. Now we are trying to convince her to change her shoes to high heels...I wonder if we will succeed? (We have been praising her to no end and we find that she seems quite happy, hence the effort put in to dress herself) (Another theory is that she is seeing someone...{Inner thought: FINALLY!!})

Now starts the EMO section of this post....Avoid it if you don't want EMO...>_<

Another sad thing. I realize that relationships are the weirdest thing ever. You need them, yet you are troubled by them. Sometimes one loses faith throughout the way. Sometimes they emerge triumphant and they are more bonded than ever. Sometimes it seems as you are treading on a thin sheet of glass and you don't know when you will fall. Sometimes you want it to happen but it just won't. Sometimes you don't even know why you still continue on. Sometimes you know you want to continue but weirdly can't find the will in your heart to do so. Sometimes it turns awkward. Sometimes you get hurt. Sometimes your efforts are futile. There are a lot of sometimes...But what matters most is what happens when you encounter the 'sometimes'. Will you leave? Will you give up? Or will you fight? Will you have hope? Will you go on even when you know it's futile?

This doesn't just apply to romances. But also friendships, family, life....

It hurts as you know that you will never become how you were before. You understand that the most important person in your friend's opinion will never be you. Even though she repeatedly tries to convince you that you are a friend she doesn't want to lose. Yet you know, as you understand. Because you know her long enough to read between the lines and her words and her expressions. Yet sometimes you don't want to see it. Cuz you know that you are the only one who understands, and she does not repay the same consideration. Yet she doesn't want to lose you due to her whims or memories or longing...whichever I am uncertain. But the part where you are certain is that she cherishes this friendship, and so do you. So you choose to tolerate. You remain silent. You seek comfort in other friend's arms. As you know that you too, cherish that friendship, maybe even more than she does. And you will be the kind of friend she needs you to be. Because you care well enough to disguise the hurt that was inflicted upon you. And for that, my friend, you are well cherished. At least, to you, there will always be friends unlike her. Even when other friends say: "You know, the only thing which I see that she has done for you is make you cry!" You choose to answer with a smile. Because that's who you are.

Yet, I know you are losing hope. You honestly don't know why you still remain friends with her. She always says just how bad her mood is but it turned good after her other friends call her or message her. She tells you how your actions hurt her and you feel guilty. Yet, she doesn't know you are hurt too by her saying this. It seems to you that the way she puts it, you never make her happy. Only other best friends will. So, you are wondering about the meaning of this friendship. Recently, when she tells you such things, or you hear about it from others, all you do is smile. Somehow, the pain and the sadness had slipped away. And you seem cold hearted to such stuff. You wonder if you no longer care as much.

Sometimes, friendship is a lot harder than love. In love, if you know you don't care anymore, the best way for both is to end it. You can end it if you wish to. Yet, in friendship, it's a lot more complicated. You know you don't care as much, that you cannot become best friends with her anymore, but still, you wish to continue as mere friends. There are no arguments, no dislike, so you cannot sever ties with one another. Yet there is no bonding anymore either. Somehow, it seems that you are exhausted and tired. So please, just take a breather, and somehow, just somehow, things might just turn out okay.

This is for you, the one who has tolerated for so long. My words are your words, my lines are your lines. And my writing for you is the same as you writing to let out your frustrations.

End EMO.

Well, now that was let out of my chest. We proceed. Recently in class, due to lack of paying attention and mindless, stupid teenage hormones giving encouragement, me and chiahui decide to play a game of "Who cries first." Therefore, I asked Khang Siang to help me in my quest in search of sadness. (Stupid isn't it??!!) After a few attempts, I feel down, but not enough to make me cry. Then he said: "There is something else...But I don't want say it lar...Too bad dy.." But the stupid stupid me kept asking him to try, saying I won't mind. And so, he really started. He criticized my looks, my body size....etc. The last straw came when I asked him: "So, because I am fat so you don't like me ler lar??" And he looked me in the eyes and with a disgusted look and tone, said : "You know...I really got a bit feel hate(disgusted) with you." And it hurts like hell and I really started to cry.

Of course, it was a game and I knew that and after a few tears, I managed to control myself and began laughing. Those who really thought I was crying became confused but after some explaining, they all wanted to hit me..O_O...But...I found out that it is a really stupid game as I really feel sad after...Good thing is, my cheery attitude kicked in and after getting over it, I became the same insane me again...=_="

However, I feel the real victim of this game was Mr. Tan as he felt so guilty and kept hugging me and sitting beside me and tugging my arm and apologizing to me to make me feel better. He was very very sorry and kept asking me not to believe those things he said. After maybe near the twentieth time which I reassured him I was okay only did he became normal back~

Haha~So sorry ya, Siang~!! I also love you very much as a friend lar..And din sad or mecok lar~Don't worry lar~*WINKS*

BUT!! For others: Don't play such stupid games as it is really stupid and harms the mental and physical health...>_<>