Saturday, March 28, 2009

Physics Tuition~

Yesterdays Physics tuition was a HORROR.

Sir started teaching Electrostatics. Dunno because the chapter damn confusing or because we are not in the mood, everyone seems to be restless. (Or is it just me...?)

Anyway, not even halfway through the tuition and I was already kind of dozing off. My eyelids were heavy, I kept yawning, my eyesight blurred...I kept glancing at my watch and told Yin Ting things like: "Still got 3 hours!!!", "Ugh....2 hours and 50 minutes left.." or something like that. Poor Yin Ting...

Well, fortunately, after slapping myself, I became awake again. The bad thing--I became too energetic...

So, for the second half of the tuition = Squirming in my seat, daydreaming, look at everywhere, talking etc.

But the worst was for the last half hour.

I became crazy at that point. Yup. CRAZY.

Sir would say things like: "So here, because of the Gaussian blah blah, I am going to use this method. Okay?" And I would be making weird replies (discreetly of course): "No....Cannot....Nya..." Or something like that.

Yup. My brain is officially FRIED.

And my weirdness also includes uncontrollable laughter. I dunno why, but the smallest thing made me laugh so much my stomach hurts. I can't control it. I just could not stop laughing. Uak...Felt like I was high on something. (But definitely not because of Miao sitting beside me...>_<)

Poor Jia Wei and Zhee Shin, they kept looking back to see what was the matter with me..I suppose by the end of the tuition, all of us wasn't really paying attention anymore...Haha.

Therefore-->I was KISIAO-ing, Yi Wen and Yin Ting are helping me not Kisiao, Zhen Jee and the rest are blur and kept observing why and how I Kisiao...O_O

Well, I blame it on the fact that I was blurred from the stupid Electric Potential and Work Done...Stupid Electrostatics...

In the end, I was making weird noises like cooing sounds and syllables like: "La~Lalalala~~!!" and "Nyah...Nya~!!" or something like that.

My 3rd wife asked: "Hsieh Yie! What's wrong?"

Guess what I did--> Smiles at her..."Nyah~!!" =_="

Finally, sir said: "It looks like all of you are exhausted. Let's stop early today."

It was quite a shock. Sir NEVER gave us back early. It was either late or on time.

Therefore, to sum it up, our restless behavior has caused three things:

1.Sir was quite patient with us today.
2.Sir actually gave us a BREAK!!
3.Sir noticed how exhausted, blur, confused and tired we were when he was teaching bout what E=dV/dx that he stopped the teaching for next time and let us do a bit of exercise first.
4.We were released EARLY!

To tell the truth, not only was we drained, I felt that Sir was drained too...Again, stupid Electrostatics!!

HAIZ. I hope I will be normal this coming Tuesday for the extra Physics tuition...Or else...


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