Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Post...?

I haven't been updating this blog since last year's August. And since a particular whiny cat and my lovely third wife Zhen Jee asked me to update, so here I am.

For this new year post, I am going to write a list of "10 Things You May Or May Not Know About Me"~

1. I hate the Twilight saga, books and movies included. Particularly I don't get the rave over Robert Pattinson's bird nest hair and Taylor Lautner's so called 'hot-bod'.

2. I do needlework. I don't think a lot of people know about this. I don't look like the type I think. But I have nimble fingers and love doing cross-stitch, which is very easy. A lot of people think it's hard but it really isn't.

3. I hate those movies with the title like "XXXX Movie". Example: Scary Movie, Disaster Movie, Date Movie etc etc. Although the minds behind such crude and mundane movie plots have recently gotten creative with other titles such as "Meet The Spartans", I still find the movie and plot and dialogue and...Oh who am I kidding, the WHOLE thing is just like a pile of crap. Yeah, crap, as in SHIT. So sue me if I don't share your sentiments.

4. I am a supporter of homosexuals rights, although I am straight. I think there's nothing wrong in people loving other people and I can't fathom why some think it's wrong to love. And besides, some who say that it's wrong because God condemns it is plain bull. If God is Almighty, then he wouldn't have made a mistake in creating homosexuals. That's how God wanted them to be I guess. I am not religious at all so I won't continue this rant, just expressing some opinions.

5. I collect notebooks. It is a weird hobby of mine. But I don't collect normal boring notebooks, I collect pretty, beautiful or meaningful ones. Some will have colourful covers while others will have well designed pages. Some have both of these combination and those are really hard to find. Maybe someday I will upload pictures of the notebooks I collect on FB or here. Depends I guess. But back to the topic, I now have maybe about or over 30 notebooks collected~>_<

6. I don't really like listening to hip-hop or altogether too loud and rock music. That's why I listen to Mix Fm I guess. A lot of people that I know are listening to Hitz Fm and some always ask me why I listened to Mix. Well frankly, it's the type of music they play which makes me made this choice I think. MIX is more for me, and I can't listen to HITZ at all. Sometimes I will get a bit irritated when people who are listening in to MIX with me suddenly says something like: "Woah, this channel got play such modern songs one ar?" God, I feel like bashing them in the head for their way of thinking and one-tracked mind. MIX actually plays a nice mix of songs, mostly pop, and none too rap-y or rock-y for my taste. Don't get me wrong, I listen to all genres of music, I do listen to some rock like Muse and Nickelback and Daughtry and so on. It's just HITZ isn't for me.

7. I love Studio Ghibli movies and Joe Hisaishi, the composer for the music of these movies. A lot of my friends don't really know the movies, but I have been watching Totoro since I was small and had been hooked on ever since. The music I only learned to admire when I was older, and I have to say its absolutely breathtakingly beautiful just listening to one of the pieces. One of the reasons I love the movies is how thought provoking and simple it is. No catchy phrases, simple dialogues, wonderful artwork and yet, it manages to bring out pure magic. Some people don't understand it though, they think it's just cartoon and find it boring. I find this pretty sad. Sad for those people who can't appreciate such work or sad for the movie unable to get through their mind I don't know, but I don't think I will ever be un-fascinated by them though. Once, when I was playing Joe Hisaishi on my car radio, someone told me that it was plain weird and creepy. I still feel offended. You can listen to people shouting all day long yet you can't appreciate a simple piano with orchestra piece? What is the world coming to? But maybe it's just not their thing. For those who are interested in Joe Hisaishi's pieces, The Legend Of Ashitaka of Princess Mononoke is a good piece to start on. It is a thoroughly magical song.

8. I am a lazy person. I love to procrastinate. Which is not something good. Look at how long I took to update my blog! Haha...But for my new year's resolution, I will TRY to not be so lazy~Do you think I will succeed though? Honestly, even I myself don't know. But some things are worth procrastinating right? There's a beauty in everything, as how I like to delude myself...O_O

9. I love Korea and Japanese songs. My recent addiction is Super Junior. I keep playing their songs over and over again. And my playlist is a huge mixture of english and japanese songs. In fact, I don't really listen to that much Chinese songs...>_< So whenever someone asks me about the new song that is playing on My fm, forgive me for not knowing a clue about it.

10. I love my cats.




Okay, so technically, that is something which I think everyone knows about, seeing that one of my friends said, if someone doesn't know I like cats then they definitely don't even know me. I like cats. And I love my cats. That is the first thing that one might pick up on me at first. =D

But since I ran out of things to write I just decided to write that. Haha. I think this post has been long enough, and for anyone who read through the whole of my self absorbed rant, thank you very much yo~!

Until next time then, which I hope will be in the near future~XD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot. I know you love me a lot since a long while ago, but I've never thought of you will post a shoutout at no. 10...

*sob sob*

Love you too daddy!

Haha I know la I know la your 'cats' din include me la hmph!