Friday, September 24, 2010

...New Life...?

Today, 24th September is my third day in the University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus (fondly called UNMC by the people here), and to tell the major truth, it is that I still don't feel quite at home with it.

I haven't made any new friends yet, it's quite sad to say, but I bumped into a former form-mate of mine--Qi Yan, or known more as Bob of the Bio class. The fuzzy feeling of meeting someone from the same place as you and which you know and have common ground with is such a pleasant feeling that it definitely did help to take the edge away from the lurking loneliness in the background.

I still remember how at home I felt at Chung Hwa, with the exception of my first month over there back when I was in Form 1. And every time I walked into it for these past few years, I've never felt out of place, because it was a place that has become a part of my life in the past. But when I went back recently to take the school mag, the awkward feeling of standing out and feeling oddly uncomfortable made itself known, and for the first time in seven years, I understood that Chung Hwa could no longer be treated as a second home, the feeling of belonging had faded, and while I still missed it and will cherish the memories dearly, and might even hope to return to visit it sometimes, I understood then and there that it is time to move on from the place.

UNMC should by right become my second home now, but I guess it still feels so unfamiliar and strange to me that I can't feel that ease yet. And hopefully, when my lectures starts next Monday, I will have met a few more people and even made a few more friends, and like how it was during Form 1, I guess I would eventually progress to be able to roam the hallways and buildings with practiced ease and comfort.

But for now, I still have my reservations, and while I am not madly home-sick and crying my eyes out or losing appetite or some other weak stuff that a person who left home for the first time should be doing, I know with an aching dull to my heart that I miss my house and parents and cats back in KB, and I miss all my dear and wonderful friends that I have made over the years.

Hopefully, in the near future, I might feel more at home.

But for now, I end this post with a small smile and a longing to eat Chung Hwa canteen's Yong Tauhu, while sitting at my study table and typing fervently away to vent my frustrations...

Until next time then, adieu~!

1 comment:

sansan ^^ ~~~~ said...

Add oil my dear friend...Boring,sad,miss home,whatever feeling you are in now...Just find me,and im for sure will be there for you.=)