Friday, May 23, 2008

~Of WriTinG AnD WorDs~

I know this isn't the update that I have promised to write as my next post but I feel it necessary for me to convey my thoughts now.I have read quite a few blogs that belong to people I do not know and also blogs of my friends.And before I started my own blog,I have most certainly heard about other people's blogs from my friends.I feel it a very interesting and also wonderful thing to able to say and express one's thoughts and feelings through writing.And yet,I am also to the strong opinion that even if it is a person's blog and he or she has the full right to write whatever they want on it,it is utterly inappropriate to use one's blog to undermine,make fun of or disgrace another.

Yes,maybe you will disagree with me saying:"Hey,it's my blog,and my right to voice my feelings!"But I must remain firm on this statement.With language,one might find that sometimes it is by the accidental slip of tongue or mind that they say something bad or rude about another or maybe even get into an argument with a friend that ends with searing insults and curses.But by saying something rude,after you have said it,and you regret it,it will be just what it is:Something said in the moment of temporary madness which was blown away by the wind.And even if you do not regret it,it is also likely for the person you channeled your hatred and anger to have forgotten about it and also maybe have decided to ignore it.It is not something permanent.It is not something recorded.It is not something you use your mind to think and plan through.Even if you remember it to the ends of your life that someone has scolded you something you never want to ever hear to be used to describe you,in the end it means nothing and is unimportant.It doesn't matter how mad you are and how you hated the person and that you just want to tell every living soul what had happened and what had been said as everything you said and everything the other said will be just what it is:Sounds and Human voices.

But in words,in writing,it's an entirely different matter.To write something hateful and rude to scold another person or show just how angry you are,you have to think what you want to write.You have to choose a variety of words that show just how much you hated or how angry you were at a person.You have to write with a vengeful passion.You have to channel all your hatred into what you are writing to show just how intense the hatred or anger you were feeling.You have to write to undermine and destroy the person utterly in other's eyes.You have to show you are right and that the other was entirely at fault.In short,one who writes vengeful things of another doesn't just act on the rash impulse of anger as they thought they do.Because writing is in itself a thoughtful process and one has to really dig deep inside his or her heart to find that dark,evil and ugly blob of hatred and anger to fuel their minds and body to write.It is actually really sad,and the worst thing is that what is written and shown could not be undone.It was set.Permanent.It will not be gone with the wind,it will still exist even if one has deleted it or destroyed it as words carry more impact than language.It will still exist as it has been in black and white even if one regrets it.And I can certainly assure you,sometimes what is written can cause a thousand times more pain than what is said.

I think,all should understand that words have a meaning of their own.And stringing together a selection of words by writing is just like creating a song.In a song,each note and syllable is distinct from one another and each capable of producing different sounds which all could touch a person's heart.So,by seeing how one strings together different words,it is possible for one to become the creator of a song that is entirely beautiful and melodious which could touch people or the creator of a destructive and distorted song that isn't even like a song,just a strange and distant sound resonating from the depths of the pit which contains everything evil of humanity.And I am pretty sure the latter,when listened to,will cause chaos and wreak havoc.

So,for those who are reading this and have put up with my rambling through this lengthy passage,please,please think twice if you ever have the impulse to write something bad about a person who you are angry with as the words you have written is definitely a double edge sword that will hurt you in the end.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


I haven't been able to update my blog recently and for those who are courteous and nice enough to check my blog once in a while to see if I have updated,I have only a big "THANK YOU" to tell you all~And now for my ultimate reason for not updating my blog:I went back to my hometown these few days and then to Kampar, Ipoh to check out UTAR's dormitories. Before some of you that are reading this, which are my darling friends, start yelling at the computer monitor with shrieks and shouts of:"TRAITOR!!" or "I THOUGHT YOU SAID FORM 6 DE?!", I must clarify that I was accompanying my brother to look at the dormitories as HE will be studying at UTAR soon.

Also,before some start imagining my hometown, SP , as a rural place which is surrounded by forests and where the people live in bush houses and are deprived of electricity and internet connectivity, I must clarify also that my hometown is every inch of how a city should be. It's just that my house here doesn't have a computer as I seldom come back and therefore the lack of internet~But ah~Things are ever changing. That's why now I can leisurely on9 and am now typing a post for my blog although I am in SP. Thank you, the inventors of laptop and USB modem~*EYES TWINKLING*

Haha...Anyway,I just want to apologise for the lack of entertainment and updating in my blog. Fret and fear not!I swear by my noble fingers that I will strive to type better and more exciting things in my next post!! Psst....For the next post I am revealing my cruel side by criticising some movies~>_<

And now, in true Terminator-Mode-Arnold Schwarzenegger-Style, I am going to pen off with a cool and chilling: "I WILL BE BACK."