Saturday, May 10, 2008


I haven't been able to update my blog recently and for those who are courteous and nice enough to check my blog once in a while to see if I have updated,I have only a big "THANK YOU" to tell you all~And now for my ultimate reason for not updating my blog:I went back to my hometown these few days and then to Kampar, Ipoh to check out UTAR's dormitories. Before some of you that are reading this, which are my darling friends, start yelling at the computer monitor with shrieks and shouts of:"TRAITOR!!" or "I THOUGHT YOU SAID FORM 6 DE?!", I must clarify that I was accompanying my brother to look at the dormitories as HE will be studying at UTAR soon.

Also,before some start imagining my hometown, SP , as a rural place which is surrounded by forests and where the people live in bush houses and are deprived of electricity and internet connectivity, I must clarify also that my hometown is every inch of how a city should be. It's just that my house here doesn't have a computer as I seldom come back and therefore the lack of internet~But ah~Things are ever changing. That's why now I can leisurely on9 and am now typing a post for my blog although I am in SP. Thank you, the inventors of laptop and USB modem~*EYES TWINKLING*

Haha...Anyway,I just want to apologise for the lack of entertainment and updating in my blog. Fret and fear not!I swear by my noble fingers that I will strive to type better and more exciting things in my next post!! Psst....For the next post I am revealing my cruel side by criticising some movies~>_<

And now, in true Terminator-Mode-Arnold Schwarzenegger-Style, I am going to pen off with a cool and chilling: "I WILL BE BACK."

1 comment:

Sebastian the Crabby said...

Yer u leave me 2 celebrate wesak day alone...
haha...enjoy urself nah~
Eh! i forgot 2 ask u question abt chem la...