Tuesday, April 29, 2008


A brand new year.It means new hopes,new dreams and a new me.

Although I am not so sure about other people,I do like to make promises.Promises to myself like "I will finish all my homework on time this year." or "I will be hardworking and study everyday."Ahh~What a wonderful me~

Unfortunately,I failed to complete my resolutions each and every year....It seems as though my mind llack the capacity of remembering my resolutions and I tend to forget about them after a few months.Although I am occasionally reminded of some of my more important promises when my lovely english teacher whips out her book and starts to call out the names of those who haven't pass up newspaper cuttings or book 4....

And her sound still vibrates around my ears:"Hsieh Yie.Where is your newspaper cutting?It seems you only passed up till 50 and we are now on 70."OH!The sheer embarassment of it...(Although a lot of people fail to escape her wrath too....>_<)

I must say I am terrible sorry towards my english teacher.She is an awfully good and dedicated teacher and I really respect her...But somehow my natural instinct of laziness took over me...*SIGHS*

Therefore!I am resolute to complete my promises this year!

1)Finish the 4 darn stories I started writing from Form 2 and 3.
2)Strive to be hardworking in every way.
3)Be more sensible and mature.
4)Don't make my mum angry at me.Must help out in chores in every possible way.
5)Be the best me I can be!!

Hmm...I guess that's all I could think of for now...If there are more I will just add them in my To-Keep-List....

Now...Who wants to bet how long I keep my promises? >_<


sansan ^^ ~~~~ said...

haha..tat is what u say de nuuu..be matured????!!!wow..this is like really tough to you..kaka^^no matter how,wish you really can did it bah...i will tell you ..if u being unmatured again...or more correct word to describe..(crazy hsieh yie???)..haha^^gambateh!!

d3viL voW~ said...

Hehe! I doubt bout ur ~ReSoLuTiOnS~......... i think ur list will be longer n longer faster then it getting shorter hheheheh.......... :p
but still gambateh ya.....