Thursday, June 5, 2008

LoaDs Of ThanKs~To YoU~

I had been feeling a bit down lately due to a few things that had happened and while I tried to conceal it, the emotions are bottled up to the brink as I tried to forget it all. But I guess the last straw came with that very bad day I had...And it all sort of spilled...Before I knew it I was releasing all my bottled up emotions in tears....I was down, sad and depressed. I really hate myself when I am like this...So uncertain and without courage...But hey, I am just human right?

Anyway, I am really grateful for my parents...They thought it was because of failing to get the scholarship that I was deeply upset...Although that was one of the reasons...But it wasn't the ultimate reason...It was just a trigger to push me over the edge....But even though they didn't know the whole story, they could sense that I was very upset. And guess what...My mother hugged me and not long afterwards, my dad opened the door and asked if I was alright and proceeded to cheer me up and encourage me...It really made things feel a lot better....Like I said...I could really feel their love to me and I really was very grateful...But I was also thoroughly embarrassed too...Haha...

And to you, that person which I so terribly disturbed in the middle of the night...Thank you...Really thank you..I was just so upset that I guess I couldn't think rationally...And the first person that came into my mind was you...You listened me out and helped me out....I am embarrassed to be saying this but the sound of your voice really helps me to loosen up and then let everything out...It really made me feel better...Looking back...I found that this wasn't the first time I called you in such an unceremonious fashion (In sobs and tears), and every time you helped me feel better...You are really such an amazing friend in this way...So, thank you...Really thank you very much....And about the thing you ask me bout that person....I really want to try...I will take your advice and will try work things out between me and him de~Cuz sometimes I do miss him too...Haha~Anyway, I am back and up again thanks to your support~Also, I don't know if I can look you in the eye the next time I see you...Ugh, you have already seen every weak part of me....And that is really embarrassing....>_<

But what must be said will be said...And don't say that I am mushy or rou4 ma2 nuh~Thank you. Really thank you my dear 'wife'....I really really miss and love you to bits and pieces....Really de. And to my parents...Even though you will never read this...Which I intend to make sure of...A big THANK YOU to both of you~

~From an embarrassed, grateful and feeling like want to write mushy things like 'Love you' and 'Miss you' de "husband " and daughter~


- cUlTiVaTeD CiViLiAn - said...

"I will take your advice and will try work things out between me and him de~Cuz sometimes I do miss him too..." who is him?? chang yong?? muakakaz...

Sebastian the Crabby said...

Hey...don't cry~
As you write in the SMS, "We both gambate in form six nah!"
Well, I can feel your pain. I admit I am sad(I din cry! I'm just a useless cat that don't even have a kedudukan in your blog's post), but i know that's karma. I sleep in class, you know it.
I hate to tell you this, but I really din hope you get the scholarship, coz I DUN WANNA BE ALONE! I know I'm SELFISH, but I need someone to guide me throughout these 2 years.
Please, don't leave me. I can't afford to lose another buddy~
If you want me to hug you...Eeewww!

d3viL voW~ said...

haiz sebastian the crabby really selfish don care bout it. if she din hug u many ppl will still hug u. hehe..............
actually i hope u get scholarship coz tis may be will make u less suffer n get out from ur darkness time n place. however if u din get nvm i will be ur sun n moon where ever u go, even a smallest star among the thousands of star in the sky which always beside u n watching u.
don't cry n sad ady .