Sunday, June 1, 2008

***HAPPY FAMILY***(Part One)

For this post,I am going to introduce my 'family'~BUT!!!I must warn you first if you want to continue reading this post...Because the aftershock of this post might leave you temporarily paralyze,your logical mind may shut down and you might be facing a huge confusion dilemma.

Ahem,let's get started then....

I have a very unique 'family'~"Unique" in other words mean that I am a person who has two wives,two daughter,one son,one pet,two affairs and one housekeeper. And there are other related relations which I will gradually introduce and explain. Now, to start, I will begin introducing my 'wives'.

Actually, I had already been in the same class as her when I was in Form 2...But for some unknown paranormal reason, I failed to register her presence...I think I didn't even speak to her even once in Form 2...Now that's weird...Fortunately, fate brought us together back~We entered the same class in Form 4 and even sat beside each other. That's the beginning of our weird relationship~At first I was a bit wary of her but I must say we hit it off pretty fast...We manage to become close friends by the end of the year and I must say there have been signs of a bubbling 'family' feeling that she gave me whenever we are together.('Family' feeling meaning she gave me a warm and very gentle feeling that soothes you...=_=") Anyway, we managed to become 'married' and officially became 'parents' by the end of the year~Haha...She is a very cute and nice person. As a prefect, she is very responsible and also hates to see wrong doing. She is a worry-wart, she worries a lot....and also thinks too much, in my opinion, in some matters~Her ultimate flaw is this--She always takes the blame on herself when something goes wrong. I must say she is really the ultimate 'Super-Wife' that seems to be able to do a lot of things...She is very very good in Maths subjects and whenever I am stuck with a problem she will help me out~We sat together during Form 5 also and I really think this brought us a lot closer...Although there have been times when we almost got a 'divorce', we managed to last out and remained best friends~The only thing that I don't like her doing to me is by keeping some things from me~As I said, she worries too much and I must honestly say that is not very good for one's health...For the past two years I have been constantly trying to hook her up with a guy and I am glad that things finally turned out the way it should be~Really, even someone who is blind could taste the feelings they have for each other...=_="...Anyway, they are officially together and thus, my greatest rival is born....For my dear wife, if you have any chance stumbled upon my blog and read this, I must confess I am the one who had been helping 'my rival' by giving useful tips and advice on you so that your relationship can work out...Please don't sentence me to the couch~@_@ Haha...Anyway, she is currently studying accounting in KL and I must say I miss her to bits...I really do...So for my darling you, please come back soon so I can redeem my Mcdonald meal from you~Miss you lots and lots!

If my first wife was a super-wife that could assist her husband in everything, then my second wife is the "Dream-Wife"--The wife that every man would die to have:Gentle, Loving, Sweet, Funny, Sometimes a bit devilish, Obedient and all those properties that man deems a woman should have...But don't be fooled by her weak and fragile appearance! She could be extremely stubborn if she wants too and extremely fierce too...I have actually known her for quite some time already as we are both Choir members...Anyway, she became the president of the club during Form 4 and whenever she wants to scold the members, she doesn't just scold them in fierce tones, she uses the disappointed tone which is laced by cold fury and the words she uses just makes you want to dig a hole to hide yourself in shame and embarrassment...Yup, that's my scary small wife when she switches to Dark-Mode....Haha....She is also a prefect and good friends with my first wife...The two of them actually look a bit alike by the way...She is the perfect example of friendliness and harmony and peace....I think it must have something to do with how she looks and the way she smiles as she has this weird ability to pull people towards her. Hell, strangers come and talk to her for no reason at all!! But sometimes she pushes herself too hard...She has too strong a sense of duty and she also falls sick easily...You might say her body is a tad weak....We became closer during our Form 5 years I think....And she is the small wife as she only became my 'wife' during Form 5~She is going to KL to study too~Her ambition is to open a nursery or become a teacher....I am kind of hoping she would get the teacher post as she has already declared to us, her friends, that she will give nearly 100% discount for us if we were to put our children in her nursery in the future, and this will surely not make any profit to the nursery and will eventually lead to doom...So, to my darling wife: Gambate!!I hope you will get the teacher post!!

Now, to introduce my daughters. The two of them are very good friends. And they both are extremely hardworking. They always are the two that finishes their homework on time and yet manages to do everything beautifully....You might say this is the ultimate reason why every teacher likes them both a lot~They are best friends but sometimes they get into arguments and as both are sometimes stubborn in their own ways, they decide to go into a 'Cold War' phase. This is where me and Huey Shenn come in, we run back and forth trying to make things right again...But sadly, we usually hold little influence...They normally just get back on good terms by themselves...My older daughter is more easy going and even though she seems to be the calm, reserve and quiet type, she could turn into quite a devil when she wants to...Just don't try to incur her wrath...My younger daughter is typically how the smallest daughter should behave. She could sometimes be a tad bit annoying and demanding but she is actually a very sweet person~Unlike her sister, she shows her emotion vividly. Trust me, you will know when you have made her angry, she enters into a ranting period where she just scolds you into pieces...Haha...But both of them are really treasures~And I am awfully glad to be their 'father'~>_<


Hm...What should I say about him..? Or more importantly, where should I start? He was just recently upgraded to the status of my son...He was originally our family's bodyguard if I recall correctly~I only started getting more close to him during Form 5 and became good friends with him then~He is like the ultimate chatterbox of our class. You rarely see him at his own place. He would be around somewhere, chatting away and listening to other people's problems. I think he has the innate ability to mix well with people quickly and get them to talk to him~Which I really admire him for~Although he looks really carefree and seems to be the happy-go-lucky type, he is really quite sensitive and also tends to think too much and worry to much~(It seems as if the people around me are all worry-warts~>_<) But he is really a very nice person~Sometimes people just get the misconception of him and he is also very very stubborn when he wants to...And that makes it difficult to get an idea or thought out of him...I have a very vivid memory of him that is of an incident during Form 5 where he talks and daunts me into making a whole bottle of stars to give to someone in 5 sc 2...That was totally embarrassing as the other person is a male and I was already totally embarrassed but there he was making fun of me as if the whole world needed to know what I was about to do...Ugh...I swear that day took out almost all of my brain cells...He is a very very cheeky and playful person~We always suan each other...It has somehow become a weird hobby of ours~Also, he plays badminton very very well...I am surprised why he didn't enter the school team...Last time we played, he played with seong yong in a single match and he totally annihilated him...Which was a bit sad...His specialty is that he is very good in 'smashing'...In the total 21 hits, there must have been 15 that were smashes...He is now also in KL studying account and he calls me sometimes and we would talk for about an hour with his HAPPY line...But towards him I must say that I am really sorry for not taking his calls recently or sometimes didn't reply his sms but I really really still care for him a lot as a friend and I wish that he would be happy and healthy always~

That's it...Part one of my 'family'...I hope you aren't too bored by reading.....My writing skills may be a bit bad....And I apologize for that....I will be introducing more of my 'family members' in the next post~And for those who are a bit confused....I must declare that I am a girl...A GIRL....But who's to say I can't be a husband right??>_<


Sebastian the Crabby said...

Go Holland and you'd become a husband...Haha..kidding la~
Hey! Where am i? You left me out!
Good description...but no me...
I'll eat you up! Yummy!
Your housekeeper is not responsible at all!
Look at my blog! Got a frog in my bag! It's all her fault!
And I've been starving since 8 of april, she din feed me at all!
Can we deduct her salary?

mish♥bigbang! said...

mish here
lol, i think its my 1st time leaving u a comment O_O
well.. i know who's who except yr daughters? not sure who lai de and cant cfm who's yr small wife.. aarghh

- cUlTiVaTeD CiViLiAn - said...

i was left out.. uh-uhh... although we know each other since when we are small.. so sad.. sobzz.... Xp..

d3viL voW~ said...

eh when ur cat become so bad de.... boom ppl all over the world. the frog is the food i prepare de, but get throw ady.... T.T waste our money. u also read the blog ady rite? u also get boom ,u better boom her back ....... ^^ i counting on u o......
the cat jz knoe how 2 complain a lot.........