Tuesday, June 17, 2008


If you haven't read our dear Miss HengYiWen a.k.a Mrs Tan a.k.a Ah Miao's blog, then there is a very high possibility that you won't understand what I am about to say. So, if you are interested, you may go to http://sebastian-crabby220.blogspot.com to go and read her post on "PITCHAR!" first.

Anyway, as I am saying...It all happened last Thursday. It was Chemistry and our dear teacher was explaining about mass spectrometer when suddenly Miao poked me and ask: "How the gas become ionised har?" So I explained to her, trying to use the most simplest words she could understand. When I said: "....And the gas now bombarded by electrons and will go 'PITCHAR!!' and become positively charged lor..." The word 'PITCHAR!!' was said while my hands are doing violent gestures of things splitting up...And guess what?! The moment I finished that word, I saw Miao laughing so violently I thought her chair was going to break...(Mind you,it's a plastic chair...) When I asked what was so funny, she said the word 'PITCHAR' was so un-scientific and so un-adult...And then, she go and sebar the information and even write in her blog bout this thing!!! Now everybody knows me as 'PITCHAR'...My name has officially changed from Lee Hsieh Yie to Pit-Char!!! And everybody keeps calling me it too...Damn if I wasn't so good nature I will go and *#@$% Miao edi....>_<

But instead~As I such a good person mar...And Miao know karate-do mar...And I scare her hubby~a.k.a Mr.Tan will come KO me...I decide to take revenge on a low level...Dear Miao ar~You keep asking me write blog on you ar...You know onot, Thursday I edi want post liao de...But after reading your blog I decide to TORTURE you more by waiting for maybe another MONTH until I post~WAKAKAKAKA~Also....I think I will tone up a bit of 'bom-ing' you and ur hubby...Still got a few people in class don't know mar...Right??

Hehehe...Evil is good....Evil PITCHAR is even better...Hehehehe....


Sebastian the Crabby said...

Hey hey, it's your BEST FRENZ kok yong who ask u d question nah, not me!
I din sebar that name on purpose, but news spread like wide fire, you know that~
Dear Ms. Pitchar, i dun think tat i use karate on u nah...I'm good crab, not like u~(I'm not Mrs Tan!!! You wait la tomorrow)
Come and #@$% me leh...wonder wat kind of zhao1 shi4 u will use on me...
I will sure remember how u #@$% me before u learn karate, den i will make comparison~

- cUlTiVaTeD CiViLiAn - said...

WHAT???!!! HEY PITCHAR GIRLZ... WHAT THE HECK INVOLVED ME PULOK???? AIKZ... u nih... haihz... for nothing, i being dragged into this "pitchar tornado".. WTH....

JaN~ said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA~~Who call you two team up 'pitchar' me nih~Haiz...When u two cooperate so terror de..I m the one being victim...BUT!This oso prove u two can work together ar..No wonder can compliment each other so gd last year noh~??>_< Hey~I din say which Mr.Tan nah...U thot the whole world only got u is TAN rite?Now u come confess everyone know dy lor...Haha~

P.S:I so gd dun kill me lar nah~0_0

- cUlTiVaTeD CiViLiAn - said...
