Thursday, April 16, 2009


考试前班上拿到了一张如此的纸:“中国中医第一针” 为大标题,纸上叙说着有提供什么病的护理。


报名单: 病诊:

刘明强 阳痿,风湿,kepala脱kiap!
潘树伟 早泄,四肢麻木,肾病
刘健翔 子宫病,月经不调,舌头短
张峰维 性功能障碍,骨刺
胡河昌 中风,新老陈伤
邢奕文 各种胃病,不孕不育
黄芊菱 腰椎病
吕培谦 过动儿,口水多过茶
蔡嘉慧 皮包骨
李锦升 所有病例+双脚伸直
杨晓双 缺氧
符史顺 失恋,念念不忘
李雪瑜 细胞活跃
张德发 长短脚
陈康祥 骨骼疏松症,手疼
黄添财 操劳过度


P.S: 这事情

LAST Day Of ExaMs~!!


The moment has arrived--The last day of exam...And now I can proudly throw my books to a corner and yell: EXAMS ARE OVER!!!

But before the joy and jubilation, let me brief on my Physics exam today...

True to Mr. Lim's words, the exam is really quite tough....I struggled with quite a number of questions..And feel very depressed for not studying harder...But this has spurred me to be more hardworking for the next exam!!

As people say, let bygones be bygones.

Back to another happy thing: Today I also officially FINISHED my school magazine~!! Yeah~! Finally this burden of a responsibility is off my chest...Now all that's left is to receive the final product~!

Haha~! Feel happy now~>_<

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

FouRth DaY iN HELL...


The subject for my exams today....Honestly, I really don't know what I am writing in Paper 2.

Honestly, this is the FIRST time I left so many blank in my Chem paper2....Most of the time...Even when I dunno how to do I will manage to write at least some things..But this time....


Paper 1 is not as hard as paper 2 since its objective but still....

Ugh. I feel so depressed that I can't stop laughing.

On a brighter note, tomorrow's the LAST day of exam!!

Yahoo~!! Looking forward to watching MORE TV (since I watch TV everyday regardless of exam...=_=")....

That is, if I manage to survive tomorrow's Physics exam...

Wish me luck~! I pretty much need it by now...T_T

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

3rd DaY iN HELL...


That's the ideal word to describe today's Maths T1 exam...I am

It's like I am banging down a door that won't ever budge...And inside is all my T1 knowledge...Hell, the questions are pretty straightforward but maybe due to lack of exercise and paying attention I don't know how to do....And those that I did I don't know if correct or wrong...UGH!

Next on, MUET 4--Essay paper. What stupid article and all that I don't really know the so-called 'proper' way to write it...So guess what? I winged it...(a.k.a Am Gong)

Haiz...What's done is done...No use crying over spilled milk right?

Although I admit, I should have took the time last night to look over more examples than fall asleep in front of TV bout 9 sth....


2 down, 2 to go! Tomorrow--

Monday, April 13, 2009

2nd Day In HELL...

Today's exam is Maths T2 and MUET 3...

I drew Cumulative Frequency curve instead of the required Relative Cumulative Frequency curve and I left two questions undone....The rest is a blur and the only few I am sure of is just a minority of the whole 12 question exam paper...

MUET 3 is just objective...Quite ok...But the allocated time was too long (2 freaking hours!) and by the end of the first hour everyone was already done and we were allowed home early (under teacher's permission of course~)

Dear Mr. Lim has said that this Physics exam will be TOUGH...Hope I can make it through...


Sunday, April 12, 2009

1st Day In Hell...

Today is my first day of exam. We took the Pengajian Am test. Know what, I slept at 9.30pm last night and threw all my resolution of finishing the PA syllabus out of the window.

That's why I struggled through my PA 1...And I dun have enough time for PA2....

Damn. Tomorrow Maths T2..

Already half dead now...

Wish me luck so I can continue tomorrow...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Exams are just around the corner...To be precise--4 days from now, which is the 12th of April. Haiz, haiz....Even though seems to have tried but still seem to have TONS of things to read...

To sum it up:

Finished last three chapters(YEAH!)...But...Forgot all the front chapters...(DOOMED!) and haven't started Inorganic Chemistry yet...

The only chapters I am sure of--1,2,3. Chapters I am almost ok at--9,10,11,12 The rest--EMPTY!!

T1--I totally dunno what Chapter 5 and 6 talking about..

T2--I don't have imagination. So sure doom when come out questions which involve what plane and what line or something like that...

I haven't read anything. And today when teacher give exercise on Dasar Negara my mind went BLANK.

Due to the bleak and dreary situation I am currently in, I went to look for songs to motivate me...Among them is one by Jade 刘力扬, titled <梅花香>~It's an uplifting song~

I wanted to post the song but it is too troublesome...So any of you who want to listen to it can ask from me or go download it yourself~

<梅花香> lyrics:

少年郎 上学堂 背诗文 头摇脑晃
松烟墨 蒙恬笔 算盘珠 敲得噼啪响
读破万卷书 谁能比我强
背不出 慢慢想 想不出 就打手掌
学古人 头悬梁 锥刺股 萤火虫借亮 梦想路很长
不怕少年狂 轻舞飞扬 十年寒窗
宝剑锋 梅花香 碧罗天 未雨绸缪苦做舟
学海无涯 高山流水 知音在等候
且看这光阴 似水流 哗啦啦 一去不回头
都说玉不琢 不成器 人不学 不知义
上考场 可别发抖 与人争辩 也要文绉绉
且看这光阴 似水流 莫等闲 我要占鳌头

That's all...I have to get back to drilling my brain with weird and uninteresting facts~Wish me luck in my exams~!!


Friday, April 3, 2009

Pesta Bahasa

Yesterday was our school's Pesta Bahasa...Or more adequately put= Language Festival. Because of our school's 'ngetok-ness' this year, Form 6 students are also required to enter.

And curse my luck, I entered both Public Speaking(English) and Commercial Acting(Chinese). Due to the sudden revelation that Science classes are competing against Arts classes which means that both Bio and Physics class has to join together, we only started choosing our members and planning our script just a week prior to the competition.

In truth, we only used bout 3 days to rehearse. And another truth: I thought we were SCREWED.

Yet, very very fortunately, our members are all very cooperative and we managed to pull it off!! And I just have to salute Qian Qian, Miao, 3rd wife, Hoe Cheong, Chun Way, Agnes, Hoon Leng, Keng Sheng and Jun Tat for their SUPERB performance!! Especially Qian Qian as there were really moments where I felt her 'teacher's aura'~>_<

I didn't actually contribute a lot...Which I am very embarrassed to say...Maybe just by helping to organize and also to help arrange the props~=_="

Another note, Public Speaking was in general a disaster. I know nobody is listening to me so I decided to make myself less a fool by cutting my speech by about half of it. In the end I was positive I was speaking so fast the words are just tumbling together. Really, I can't hear a damn thing which I said on stage...T_T

This year, 5K2 won in the Dikir Barat competition...I was really impressed as I felt their show was really good. It had so much energy. It's not that the other 2 classes are bad, it's just that the true form of dikir is in itself a form of RAW energy. One felt 'semangat' after listening to dikir. And the other two classes seem to lack it in a sense that their shouting seemed to tired and their movements seemed to lagged. But 5K2 was just radiating with energy, something I positively enjoyed. I think I screamed the most times when they were performing~>_<

But still, I know that training for Dikir is a time consuming and also mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting thing..Therefore I applaud all classes on their hard work~

However, the guys of 5K2 seem to lack sportsmanship as they kept 'boo-ing' other classes, which I find extremely rude and idiotic...

In the end, our iklan got second and I got first in public speaking...(But believe me, it's NOT a glorious thing...)

Even though we got second, I must say that I am pretty happy~In my heart we will always be the first, and I am very very proud of all my members~!!


And to JunTat~Your script REALLY good dy~If not, everyone won't be able to act in such an energetic way~!!

Again, as a final note: a HUGE applaud to-->

Qian Ling, Yi Wen, Zhen Jee, Hoe Cheong, Keng Sheng, Jun Tat, Hoon Leng, Agnes, Chun Way and also Jason (for garnering the courage to whip out his script on stage and 'lose his virginity' for the sake of pesta bahasa) on their hard work and efforts~!!

You guys really are the best!!! *HAPPY, HAPPY, DANCES AROUND~*