Wednesday, April 15, 2009

FouRth DaY iN HELL...


The subject for my exams today....Honestly, I really don't know what I am writing in Paper 2.

Honestly, this is the FIRST time I left so many blank in my Chem paper2....Most of the time...Even when I dunno how to do I will manage to write at least some things..But this time....


Paper 1 is not as hard as paper 2 since its objective but still....

Ugh. I feel so depressed that I can't stop laughing.

On a brighter note, tomorrow's the LAST day of exam!!

Yahoo~!! Looking forward to watching MORE TV (since I watch TV everyday regardless of exam...=_=")....

That is, if I manage to survive tomorrow's Physics exam...

Wish me luck~! I pretty much need it by now...T_T

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