Friday, May 29, 2009


I went for my Form 6 Motivation Camp some time ago. It was a three day, two night stay inTok Bali at a resort named as 'Sweet Beach Resort'...And so, after gathering in the school during the morning, we started our journey via bus at ten something in the morning.

First Day:
Our teacher had only told us in the morning that we would be sleeping in fours in rooms instead of in dorms. This means that we have our own bathroom. This was a great relieve as the bathroom of the dorms are located outside and it is 'ala-Western' which means NO DOORS. We girls had been worrying about how to take a nice bath with a sarung so its good that we don't need to worry about it.

On the bus, we sang and 'ki-siao-ed' with one another~After the tedious process of checking in and receiving keys, we immediately went to our room to seek refuge from the scorching sun. And after changing and washing up, we went for our motivation slot. My brother came with his friend who is our motivator and I got news that my cat Snowy had given birth to FIVE kittens~!!

Then there was the Maths T2 slot. Jia Wei's dad was the penceramah. It was ok, and I think the notes he gave are quite detailed and useful~

Maths T1 was by our own Ms. Lee CK. She really proved herself as a First Class Honours. There were two slots. The first for teaching methods and the second for exercises. The first was very lovely, but the second was just pure hell as she reversed back into the Ms. Lee in class and asked us to do a LOT of exercises in a very limited time..But I gained a lot of info though...

Nothing much could be said today. Except that the room opposite mine where Wei Fong, Keh Jun, Caryn and Xiao Shuang were supposed to sleep at had a LOT of cockroaches. Therefore, Caryn and Xiao Shuang tumpang at our room while the other two went to bunk with Art Class students.

Second Day:
Almost cannot wake up...The first event was PA quiz. And last night our group had studied until quite late. The quiz was a very very fun and nice event to do. After five rounds, we won!! It was a minor difference between us and the Art class, but nevertheless, WE WON!! It was a happy thing for all of us.

The PA ceramah afterwards was by our own PK HEM. Unfortunately, by some unknown reason, my spectacles was broken. Therefore, even though I was siting in the first row I had difficulty reading the things he wrote on the white board. Vaguely, I wondered how I was going to survive the next two ceramahs...

Next, PHYSICS. This was supposed to be THE MOST IMPORTANT ceramah for us Form 6 science students who are taking Physics. My hopes of hearing a good ceramah dimmed when I saw the penceramah. And when she started, doubts begin to form in my mind. Mr. Lim came in then, our beloved Physics teacher in school, and sat one side to listen too. And then...the penceramah, a 'she', said: "Ahh...Apa formula too lagi...?"

That's it. All my hopes of getting something good was SQUASHED the moment she said that. And when Mr. Lim had stood up to help her, remind her of the formulas, write it out for her, I felt DESPAIR...My heart dropped as far as my mouth dropped.

What the--?! Was she really a marker??!! And she can't even remember the basic formulas like v=u + at and said it as S=u + at....HAIZ...She asked us to do past year questions but can't even expplain or tell us formulas but ask us copy the typed out answers displayed on the screen. And there were NUMEROUS times that she required Mr. Lim's help.

It was the most torturing slot for me...I could only hope that time could go faster. Even now that I am recalling and writing this that I feel so angry and despair that words couldn't bring justice to how shocked and tortured I was during the slot. And I think all of us felt the same too. After that I swore to myself and Mr. Lim that I will always pay attention to him in class.

But still, I got myself to listen attentively through the whole slot. I could tell that she really was trying to give us a good ceramah, but all I wanted to tell her is: "Hon, you don't have the chops or skills for it." Nevertheless, I applaud her on her courage and determination to give us ceramah.

I think the thing that all of us gained from it was that we will definitely pay attention to Mr. Lim in class now. We really realize how good and important our beloved teacher is. >_< _="">

Friday, May 22, 2009


Just finish reading Miao's blog. And my mind has only one thought: What the--?!

She claims that she is so 'pure and innocent' and it is actually me, juntat and zhenjee who polluted her. She then proceeded to make a poll with me. zhenjee. juntat and herself as the choices with the question: WHO POLLUTED ME?

And of course, the choice 'HERSELF' currently has the highest vote.

As if this doesn't prove my innocence, let me highlight a few examples for you.

Example 1: I am a good and nice and INNOCENT girl who has suspended the use of such vulgar adjectives such as CB, CBB and so on but ever since entering Form 6 and sitting beside the so-called innocent and pure MIAO, my verbal capacity has increased rapidly. They say that if nearer to the ink one will get blacker. So it proves that I am the nearest to Ms. Heng, so I am polluted most by her.

Example 2: She is the one who always created weird and QIAO statements using her YELLOW brain in class. Grab ANY person from our class and they will tell you its Miao who is the ultimate GURU of QIAONESS in our class...=_="

Example 3: The whole of our class (excluding a few boys) are originally all so cute, pure and innocent. Then Ah Miao had to come along and pollute us all. Now you could always listen to Qian Qian or Pei Chin saying things which have HIDDEN MEANING. And all of us always come together and mourn for our lost INNOCENCE.

Example 4: She who denies most but does most and blames most is surely guilty. Needless to say, Miao always deny herself being the one who pollutes all of us. Then blames it on innocent victims like me and juntat and zhenjee, and then proceeds to pull or hug someone and say QIAO things.

So all in all, I can pretty much say this: I AM POLLUTED BY MIAO!

So how can I pollute her nih?

As a conclusion, she polluted herself. So please do me and juntat and zhenjee JUSTICE by going over to her blog: Horny Crabby at and vote 'HERSELF' as the answer.

Your vote may just clear all of our innocent names. So please, VOTE!

On another note; Due to being over polluted, Miao had decided to go on a campaign titled: No Vulgarities!! But it seems that she can't control herself at all and keep blurting out 'kata-kata kesat'.

P.S: Miao~Don't angry nah~Like you said, it's all for fun~(And truth!!) Besides, consider this PAYBACK for you SUMO-ING me at the girls toilet!!

A/N: I have never used that much capital letters...Ever. But this post requires it...There are SOOO many things to EMPHASIZE on~>_<

Saturday, May 16, 2009

...A 'SweaTDroP' EvenT....

I came back from the Form 6 Motivation Camp yesterday. I am going to write about it...But since its already night and there is too many things that I want to write on it, I decided to leave it until tomorrow to write about it.

Today, I went to the library after my Maths tuition. I tumpang-ed MeiJiun's car since my car got a bit ngetok dy. Anyway, at first there were only me, meijiun, xinfang, songsee, jiahui, shunyuh and kahkheng...We studied until five where Jiun and ah fong went for their PA tuition. Left me and Kah Kheng since Song See and Jia Hui short-plug go play basketball during the scorching 4 sth.

Afterwards, Desmond came and the five of us, me, Kah Kheng, Song See, Jia Hui and Des started talking. And JiaHui suddenly remembered that he wanted to claim money from the other 3 boys. It seems that a bunch of them had decided to share together to buy a bunch of food for the camp.

Des suddenly exclaimed:
Ma1 de4!!!!Why must I pay so much de?!
Hui: What?!
CB you! It really that much mar!
TIU you!! I only eat like a few crappy bread, biscuits and maggi cup only!
F***! Then who eat?! CB eh!
Des: What the?! Its Ah Tiu who eat lor!
CB him! He eat sipe much lor!

And the quarrel proceeded. Admist calls and uses of
CB, F***, TIU you! and other vulgarities, the conversation itself is SOOO funny that me and Kah Kheng were laughing like mad.

And I can say for sure that for every sentence that Jia Hui says, there is an average one CB in it~>_<>

But one thing I learnt about guys: They can quarrel about money but it is highly unlikely that it will harm their friendship. Usually I don't really like to share about uncertain things like food, expenses and such because in the end some may feel that others eat more and feel too unfair and such. And counting until the very last penny and arguing about money may harm relationships too. But I figure the way with guys are different. Hell, they could be shouting CB, CBB, LJ and arguing with each other about the amount of money each should pay but it won't harm their feelings in the slightest. It's kind of sweet actually~>_<

But still...I did learn a lot of
INTERESTING ways to use vulgaritites from today's event...And it was the best laugh that I had for sometime~

Friday, May 1, 2009

IdiOtiC cLaSS....AcT 2

Okay...So my class got crazy again. After the last post where I mentioned about the illness where each of us SUPPOSEDLY have, we did another whole class thing.

It started with us switching to the Physics Lab for a day as our class was prepared for our oncoming MUET test. And my class monitor, Mr. Lee KS, began to go beserk again. He started his marvelous plan of drawing out every single person in my class...

And this is the end product which he produced after much pondering(yeah right...) and utilizing his fine talent in art(ugh...) :

Trust me...Everyone looks a LOT nicer than this pic...Maybe with the exception of Keng Sheng though~*EVIL LAUGH*

Update on current life: It sucks. My results are like crap. Pending for Physics results. Expected to known next Sunday...Wish me luck~!!

P.S: If you want to see the picture clearer just click on it~!! >_<