Friday, May 22, 2009


Just finish reading Miao's blog. And my mind has only one thought: What the--?!

She claims that she is so 'pure and innocent' and it is actually me, juntat and zhenjee who polluted her. She then proceeded to make a poll with me. zhenjee. juntat and herself as the choices with the question: WHO POLLUTED ME?

And of course, the choice 'HERSELF' currently has the highest vote.

As if this doesn't prove my innocence, let me highlight a few examples for you.

Example 1: I am a good and nice and INNOCENT girl who has suspended the use of such vulgar adjectives such as CB, CBB and so on but ever since entering Form 6 and sitting beside the so-called innocent and pure MIAO, my verbal capacity has increased rapidly. They say that if nearer to the ink one will get blacker. So it proves that I am the nearest to Ms. Heng, so I am polluted most by her.

Example 2: She is the one who always created weird and QIAO statements using her YELLOW brain in class. Grab ANY person from our class and they will tell you its Miao who is the ultimate GURU of QIAONESS in our class...=_="

Example 3: The whole of our class (excluding a few boys) are originally all so cute, pure and innocent. Then Ah Miao had to come along and pollute us all. Now you could always listen to Qian Qian or Pei Chin saying things which have HIDDEN MEANING. And all of us always come together and mourn for our lost INNOCENCE.

Example 4: She who denies most but does most and blames most is surely guilty. Needless to say, Miao always deny herself being the one who pollutes all of us. Then blames it on innocent victims like me and juntat and zhenjee, and then proceeds to pull or hug someone and say QIAO things.

So all in all, I can pretty much say this: I AM POLLUTED BY MIAO!

So how can I pollute her nih?

As a conclusion, she polluted herself. So please do me and juntat and zhenjee JUSTICE by going over to her blog: Horny Crabby at and vote 'HERSELF' as the answer.

Your vote may just clear all of our innocent names. So please, VOTE!

On another note; Due to being over polluted, Miao had decided to go on a campaign titled: No Vulgarities!! But it seems that she can't control herself at all and keep blurting out 'kata-kata kesat'.

P.S: Miao~Don't angry nah~Like you said, it's all for fun~(And truth!!) Besides, consider this PAYBACK for you SUMO-ING me at the girls toilet!!

A/N: I have never used that much capital letters...Ever. But this post requires it...There are SOOO many things to EMPHASIZE on~>_<

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
