Saturday, May 16, 2009

...A 'SweaTDroP' EvenT....

I came back from the Form 6 Motivation Camp yesterday. I am going to write about it...But since its already night and there is too many things that I want to write on it, I decided to leave it until tomorrow to write about it.

Today, I went to the library after my Maths tuition. I tumpang-ed MeiJiun's car since my car got a bit ngetok dy. Anyway, at first there were only me, meijiun, xinfang, songsee, jiahui, shunyuh and kahkheng...We studied until five where Jiun and ah fong went for their PA tuition. Left me and Kah Kheng since Song See and Jia Hui short-plug go play basketball during the scorching 4 sth.

Afterwards, Desmond came and the five of us, me, Kah Kheng, Song See, Jia Hui and Des started talking. And JiaHui suddenly remembered that he wanted to claim money from the other 3 boys. It seems that a bunch of them had decided to share together to buy a bunch of food for the camp.

Des suddenly exclaimed:
Ma1 de4!!!!Why must I pay so much de?!
Hui: What?!
CB you! It really that much mar!
TIU you!! I only eat like a few crappy bread, biscuits and maggi cup only!
F***! Then who eat?! CB eh!
Des: What the?! Its Ah Tiu who eat lor!
CB him! He eat sipe much lor!

And the quarrel proceeded. Admist calls and uses of
CB, F***, TIU you! and other vulgarities, the conversation itself is SOOO funny that me and Kah Kheng were laughing like mad.

And I can say for sure that for every sentence that Jia Hui says, there is an average one CB in it~>_<>

But one thing I learnt about guys: They can quarrel about money but it is highly unlikely that it will harm their friendship. Usually I don't really like to share about uncertain things like food, expenses and such because in the end some may feel that others eat more and feel too unfair and such. And counting until the very last penny and arguing about money may harm relationships too. But I figure the way with guys are different. Hell, they could be shouting CB, CBB, LJ and arguing with each other about the amount of money each should pay but it won't harm their feelings in the slightest. It's kind of sweet actually~>_<

But still...I did learn a lot of
INTERESTING ways to use vulgaritites from today's event...And it was the best laugh that I had for sometime~

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