Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Exams are just around the corner...To be precise--4 days from now, which is the 12th of April. Haiz, haiz....Even though seems to have tried but still seem to have TONS of things to read...

To sum it up:

Finished last three chapters(YEAH!)...But...Forgot all the front chapters...(DOOMED!) and haven't started Inorganic Chemistry yet...

The only chapters I am sure of--1,2,3. Chapters I am almost ok at--9,10,11,12 The rest--EMPTY!!

T1--I totally dunno what Chapter 5 and 6 talking about..

T2--I don't have imagination. So sure doom when come out questions which involve what plane and what line or something like that...

I haven't read anything. And today when teacher give exercise on Dasar Negara my mind went BLANK.

Due to the bleak and dreary situation I am currently in, I went to look for songs to motivate me...Among them is one by Jade 刘力扬, titled <梅花香>~It's an uplifting song~

I wanted to post the song but it is too troublesome...So any of you who want to listen to it can ask from me or go download it yourself~

<梅花香> lyrics:

少年郎 上学堂 背诗文 头摇脑晃
松烟墨 蒙恬笔 算盘珠 敲得噼啪响
读破万卷书 谁能比我强
背不出 慢慢想 想不出 就打手掌
学古人 头悬梁 锥刺股 萤火虫借亮 梦想路很长
不怕少年狂 轻舞飞扬 十年寒窗
宝剑锋 梅花香 碧罗天 未雨绸缪苦做舟
学海无涯 高山流水 知音在等候
且看这光阴 似水流 哗啦啦 一去不回头
都说玉不琢 不成器 人不学 不知义
上考场 可别发抖 与人争辩 也要文绉绉
且看这光阴 似水流 莫等闲 我要占鳌头

That's all...I have to get back to drilling my brain with weird and uninteresting facts~Wish me luck in my exams~!!



Anonymous said...

Yo daddy~
At least your condition is much more better than mine...
I'm currently waiting for the exam questions to slice me into pieces~
I'm sure that I'll be at the last position this coming exam.
Don't forget to pray for me too.
At least people physic pro hor, hahaha~

Huii said...

show off.
i studied NONE!
can die d.