Tuesday, April 29, 2008


A brand new year.It means new hopes,new dreams and a new me.

Although I am not so sure about other people,I do like to make promises.Promises to myself like "I will finish all my homework on time this year." or "I will be hardworking and study everyday."Ahh~What a wonderful me~

Unfortunately,I failed to complete my resolutions each and every year....It seems as though my mind llack the capacity of remembering my resolutions and I tend to forget about them after a few months.Although I am occasionally reminded of some of my more important promises when my lovely english teacher whips out her book and starts to call out the names of those who haven't pass up newspaper cuttings or book 4....

And her sound still vibrates around my ears:"Hsieh Yie.Where is your newspaper cutting?It seems you only passed up till 50 and we are now on 70."OH!The sheer embarassment of it...(Although a lot of people fail to escape her wrath too....>_<)

I must say I am terrible sorry towards my english teacher.She is an awfully good and dedicated teacher and I really respect her...But somehow my natural instinct of laziness took over me...*SIGHS*

Therefore!I am resolute to complete my promises this year!

1)Finish the 4 darn stories I started writing from Form 2 and 3.
2)Strive to be hardworking in every way.
3)Be more sensible and mature.
4)Don't make my mum angry at me.Must help out in chores in every possible way.
5)Be the best me I can be!!

Hmm...I guess that's all I could think of for now...If there are more I will just add them in my To-Keep-List....

Now...Who wants to bet how long I keep my promises? >_<

Friday, April 25, 2008




举个例子吧。昨天我原本打算10点看CSI的,但是去看INFO时,我猛然发觉在同样时间STARWORLD要播GHOST WHISPERER。这让我很困扰。

要看哪个才好呢??这可是个天大的问题呢。。想必一个爱看CSI和GHOST WHISPERER的天才也给不出个答案吧。。。眼看10点就快到了,心里莫名的慌张,天啊,该怎么办好呢?

困扰了接近五分钟的我,突然灵机一动,想出了PROS AND CONS 这个计划。所以,就进行了一个简单的测验。


PROS: 很刺激,由于故事是每集连接的,便能顺利的跟着故事的发展。而且又能看看主角如何解决那些来向他寻求帮助的幽灵。
CONS: 有点恐怖。里头的幽灵有时太恐怖了。对心脏不好。
ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS: 如果今天没看,必须等到星期六才能看重播的。

PROS: 看到了这集的广告,似乎跟平时的故事不太一样。很值得一看。
CONS: 故事并没那么刺激。
ADDITIONAL OBSERVATION:星期四就有重播了,而且还重播几次呢!!

测验结论:GHOST WHISPERER 比较值得一看,因为我等不到星期六看重播的。





Thursday, April 24, 2008

LeT's GeT LouD~!!!

I need earplugs.This is what I keep telling myself whenever there are football or badminton matches.Why is that so?

It is because I have not one,but two extremely expressive people in my house.The first is my dad while the other is my brother.The two of them are able to relay and express their feelings adequately and thoroughly through a certain selection of words and expressions.

Let me show you a small clip of conversation between them and the television during a particular badminton match.

(Start of clip)
DAD:Argh---!!!How can you miss it?!Come on Chong Wei!!It is 17 to 16 already.Come ON!!

Five minutes later...

DAD and BRO:NO-----!!!!!
DAD:NO!!!Another point!Come on,come on Chong Wei!!Don't let that guy beat you!!!
BRO:*SIGHS*Chong Wei....Why like this de...???!!!

I enter the scene.

ME:So,what's the score?What's happening?
DAD and BRO:*Grunts,Sighs,Mutter something inaudible under their breath...*
ME:O-Kay...I guess it's not that good but do you both have to look like the world is coming to an end??
DAD:Chong Wei....What is wrong with you today...Two points already!!


I wince.
DAD:That's how you do it!Come ON,Chong Wei!!!Keep it up...Smack!YES!YES!
BRO:*Mutters*Come on,come on...Game point already....
(End of clip)

If you think THAT was dramatic,I am telling you,you AIN'T seen nothing yet.Football season is sometimes more worse with the occasional sudden outburst of "GOAL!!!YES!!!" or "NO,NO,NO!!!That was a FOUL damn it!!!"

So really,I NEED earplugs....

But it doesn't mean I do not show the same ammount of enthusiasm towards sports.I am just not that expressive.I do participate in their emotional showcases during badminton matches too.I am just more subtle.

Let me show you:

1.Ah.= Oh,a small mistake.
2.AHHHHH!!!= BIG mistake.How can you miss THAT?!
3.AhHAHAHAHAHA!!= YES~!That's it!Give it to him!!Yes!
4.Ughhhhh.......= S***,the other team gamepoint already...I can barely watch...
5.NO!!!= NONONONONO~!!!WE LOST!! (This expression is extremely rare..It's too much of an outburst..)
6.Yahoo~! OR YES!!= We won,we won,we won...WE WON!

See,at least I am not as colourful as my brother and dad in their selection of words...

.....But maybe I am as loud.

Damn....It's my mum who needs earplugs...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008





(一)+(二)+(三)= 一只很乱的大猫




Tuesday, April 22, 2008

CaUghT iN tHeiR deAthLy(?) GlaRe....

I like children actually.Unlike some people who find them loud,annoying and messy,I find them cute,adorable and lovable.And I like interacting with them too~They sometimes spout the most interesting comment that may send you into fits of laughter or make you want to strangle yourself~


I was waiting for my car to come fetch me from the mall with my friend and there was this cute little girl there playing with her balloon.Apparently,she had snapped the head of the stick and the balloon was bouncing around merrily.As what a normal person would do,I bent down and picked up the balloon and handed it into her arms.

I smiled at her and push the balloon a bit into her arms.

She just stared at me.And stared.And stared.And stared.And stared some more.

I was bewildered.My friend was confused.Her mother was perplexed.And she continued to stare some more.

Her mother poked her in the arm and cajoled her to take the balloon.Which she did and I let out a small sigh of relief.The problem is,although her hands moved,her big,brown eyes seemed to find my face thoroughly fascinating and continued to stare.

O-kay...That's it.I looked to my friend wondering if I have something on my face.She just stood there laughing.

It wasn't until her mother gently pulled her away that she tore her gaze away from me.

My friend and I was very amused and we laughed about it albeit being a bit shocked.

So,yeah,I do like children.

But save me from their unnerving glares,unbelievable strength and innate capability to make you squirm.