Saturday, August 22, 2009


事情的发生:Physics Lab 里,我们一群人正在兴高采烈的讨论关于言情小说。因为很碰巧的,竟发现有共同的兴趣。这时,班上的某位友人,(因为某些特殊关系,我被威胁不可揭发这人的身份,所以。。。)短称为X小姐,很三八的插入话题,并宣布了自己从没读过言情小说的事实。由于凯薇有带着一本,所以我们便建议她拿去读。













Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What The *BEEP* !!!!

Read this line:

"Therefore, Locus P is also a circle."

Because of these mere short 7 words, we had to copy the answer to a 2007 Maths T1 past year question for A HUNDRED TIMES!!

Yup, your eyes haven't gone bad, and I didn't type wrong: 100 *FREAKING* Times!!

And before you say it, no, the answer isn't even remotely near the word 'SHORT'. In fact, it was LONG, have LOTS of steps and X+Y's.

And the icing on the cake (or should i just say SALT ON THE WOUND), is that we have to pass up this remarkable piece of so-called CORRECTION within the last period of school.

And oh, did our Ms. Lee say it with such flair and attitude. "100 times. I don't care, you have to pass up by TODAY!"

And I was like "What the--(Insert your own choice of rude words)!!"

And thus, today, the whole Physics class could be seen quiet and orderly for a change, with our heads down and our pen moving and the paper and small mumblings it could almost be interpreted by any passer-by that we have turned over a new leaf and were studying.

OH, how wrong were they.

We are FEVERISHLY copying one time after another of the SAME freaking sentences just trying to make it to 100 times. And the mumbling? That was just cursing language reserved for adults ears.

I swear. By the time I reached over 20, my body was on autopilot and my brain wasn't working at all. Except when I am thinking out NEW and INVENTIVE ways to CURSE a certain 'vege-kuih'.

And I don't even want to go on to the unreal transformation of my handwriting...From readable-->SHIT.

And the only things that disturbed the image of us as 'HARDWORKING STUDENTS' are the constant outbursts and display of insanity.

Such as: "Aargh!!! My hand is freaking getting NUMB!!"

"SHIT! So long only number 20 only!!!"

"MOTHERF***KER!!! I hope someone goes SC**W 'vegekuih'!!"

And so on...


Really, I swear, because of her, my choice and knowledge of curses and swears have definitely been upgraded to a whole new level...

Even now, when I am typing this, my right hand is sore and ACHING!

DAMN. Like what Miao said: MEME KISIAO!!!!

FUCK! If I don't get A in T1 I am really going to MURDER 'Vege-Kuih'!

Another unfortunate thing=Ah Sir just had to come and check on the cleanliness of the windows on such an inopportune time. Really, he should receive an award at the "Worst Timing Awards" ceremony.

And of course, the windows weren't clean and me, as penyelaras, was called out. He then proceeded to wipe the dirt off the windows and insist to HIGH FIVE with me...Making my ACHING and SORE hand DIRTY and BLACK....Haiz haiz. So much for bad luck eh?

Good thing he didn't mengamuk...And I am going to make sure all the windows clean tomorrow~


Forgive the language, it's the most truthful way of expressing this F***ING situation.

Till next time.

FROM: An experiencing mental and physical TRAUMA Physics Student.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

ClaSS idiOtiC acT--3-~













你是我的太阳 (你嫌芊芊很圆么?!)
照亮我的生命 (你有生命可以照亮meh?!)
你是我的月亮 (芊芊的脸是滑的!!)
引导我走过夜晚 (傻婆!你当芊芊是幽魂?!)
你是我的星星 (这样多星星,哪个啊?!)
替我点缀沉闷的夜空 (原来你闷才找芊芊。。。)
你是我的流星 (流星是步入灭亡的。。。)
你是我的水 (你才该心如止水!!〕
滋润我的生命 (水进入沙漠般的生命也会干枯。。。)
没有你, (你根本就无法拥有她!)
我也不想活了, (去死吧!!〕
为了我的生命, (不屑!!)
请你接受我吧!! (哇~!!永远都不可能!!)

青色--> 奕文




Friday, May 29, 2009


I went for my Form 6 Motivation Camp some time ago. It was a three day, two night stay inTok Bali at a resort named as 'Sweet Beach Resort'...And so, after gathering in the school during the morning, we started our journey via bus at ten something in the morning.

First Day:
Our teacher had only told us in the morning that we would be sleeping in fours in rooms instead of in dorms. This means that we have our own bathroom. This was a great relieve as the bathroom of the dorms are located outside and it is 'ala-Western' which means NO DOORS. We girls had been worrying about how to take a nice bath with a sarung so its good that we don't need to worry about it.

On the bus, we sang and 'ki-siao-ed' with one another~After the tedious process of checking in and receiving keys, we immediately went to our room to seek refuge from the scorching sun. And after changing and washing up, we went for our motivation slot. My brother came with his friend who is our motivator and I got news that my cat Snowy had given birth to FIVE kittens~!!

Then there was the Maths T2 slot. Jia Wei's dad was the penceramah. It was ok, and I think the notes he gave are quite detailed and useful~

Maths T1 was by our own Ms. Lee CK. She really proved herself as a First Class Honours. There were two slots. The first for teaching methods and the second for exercises. The first was very lovely, but the second was just pure hell as she reversed back into the Ms. Lee in class and asked us to do a LOT of exercises in a very limited time..But I gained a lot of info though...

Nothing much could be said today. Except that the room opposite mine where Wei Fong, Keh Jun, Caryn and Xiao Shuang were supposed to sleep at had a LOT of cockroaches. Therefore, Caryn and Xiao Shuang tumpang at our room while the other two went to bunk with Art Class students.

Second Day:
Almost cannot wake up...The first event was PA quiz. And last night our group had studied until quite late. The quiz was a very very fun and nice event to do. After five rounds, we won!! It was a minor difference between us and the Art class, but nevertheless, WE WON!! It was a happy thing for all of us.

The PA ceramah afterwards was by our own PK HEM. Unfortunately, by some unknown reason, my spectacles was broken. Therefore, even though I was siting in the first row I had difficulty reading the things he wrote on the white board. Vaguely, I wondered how I was going to survive the next two ceramahs...

Next, PHYSICS. This was supposed to be THE MOST IMPORTANT ceramah for us Form 6 science students who are taking Physics. My hopes of hearing a good ceramah dimmed when I saw the penceramah. And when she started, doubts begin to form in my mind. Mr. Lim came in then, our beloved Physics teacher in school, and sat one side to listen too. And then...the penceramah, a 'she', said: "Ahh...Apa formula too lagi...?"

That's it. All my hopes of getting something good was SQUASHED the moment she said that. And when Mr. Lim had stood up to help her, remind her of the formulas, write it out for her, I felt DESPAIR...My heart dropped as far as my mouth dropped.

What the--?! Was she really a marker??!! And she can't even remember the basic formulas like v=u + at and said it as S=u + at....HAIZ...She asked us to do past year questions but can't even expplain or tell us formulas but ask us copy the typed out answers displayed on the screen. And there were NUMEROUS times that she required Mr. Lim's help.

It was the most torturing slot for me...I could only hope that time could go faster. Even now that I am recalling and writing this that I feel so angry and despair that words couldn't bring justice to how shocked and tortured I was during the slot. And I think all of us felt the same too. After that I swore to myself and Mr. Lim that I will always pay attention to him in class.

But still, I got myself to listen attentively through the whole slot. I could tell that she really was trying to give us a good ceramah, but all I wanted to tell her is: "Hon, you don't have the chops or skills for it." Nevertheless, I applaud her on her courage and determination to give us ceramah.

I think the thing that all of us gained from it was that we will definitely pay attention to Mr. Lim in class now. We really realize how good and important our beloved teacher is. >_< _="">

Friday, May 22, 2009


Just finish reading Miao's blog. And my mind has only one thought: What the--?!

She claims that she is so 'pure and innocent' and it is actually me, juntat and zhenjee who polluted her. She then proceeded to make a poll with me. zhenjee. juntat and herself as the choices with the question: WHO POLLUTED ME?

And of course, the choice 'HERSELF' currently has the highest vote.

As if this doesn't prove my innocence, let me highlight a few examples for you.

Example 1: I am a good and nice and INNOCENT girl who has suspended the use of such vulgar adjectives such as CB, CBB and so on but ever since entering Form 6 and sitting beside the so-called innocent and pure MIAO, my verbal capacity has increased rapidly. They say that if nearer to the ink one will get blacker. So it proves that I am the nearest to Ms. Heng, so I am polluted most by her.

Example 2: She is the one who always created weird and QIAO statements using her YELLOW brain in class. Grab ANY person from our class and they will tell you its Miao who is the ultimate GURU of QIAONESS in our class...=_="

Example 3: The whole of our class (excluding a few boys) are originally all so cute, pure and innocent. Then Ah Miao had to come along and pollute us all. Now you could always listen to Qian Qian or Pei Chin saying things which have HIDDEN MEANING. And all of us always come together and mourn for our lost INNOCENCE.

Example 4: She who denies most but does most and blames most is surely guilty. Needless to say, Miao always deny herself being the one who pollutes all of us. Then blames it on innocent victims like me and juntat and zhenjee, and then proceeds to pull or hug someone and say QIAO things.

So all in all, I can pretty much say this: I AM POLLUTED BY MIAO!

So how can I pollute her nih?

As a conclusion, she polluted herself. So please do me and juntat and zhenjee JUSTICE by going over to her blog: Horny Crabby at and vote 'HERSELF' as the answer.

Your vote may just clear all of our innocent names. So please, VOTE!

On another note; Due to being over polluted, Miao had decided to go on a campaign titled: No Vulgarities!! But it seems that she can't control herself at all and keep blurting out 'kata-kata kesat'.

P.S: Miao~Don't angry nah~Like you said, it's all for fun~(And truth!!) Besides, consider this PAYBACK for you SUMO-ING me at the girls toilet!!

A/N: I have never used that much capital letters...Ever. But this post requires it...There are SOOO many things to EMPHASIZE on~>_<

Saturday, May 16, 2009

...A 'SweaTDroP' EvenT....

I came back from the Form 6 Motivation Camp yesterday. I am going to write about it...But since its already night and there is too many things that I want to write on it, I decided to leave it until tomorrow to write about it.

Today, I went to the library after my Maths tuition. I tumpang-ed MeiJiun's car since my car got a bit ngetok dy. Anyway, at first there were only me, meijiun, xinfang, songsee, jiahui, shunyuh and kahkheng...We studied until five where Jiun and ah fong went for their PA tuition. Left me and Kah Kheng since Song See and Jia Hui short-plug go play basketball during the scorching 4 sth.

Afterwards, Desmond came and the five of us, me, Kah Kheng, Song See, Jia Hui and Des started talking. And JiaHui suddenly remembered that he wanted to claim money from the other 3 boys. It seems that a bunch of them had decided to share together to buy a bunch of food for the camp.

Des suddenly exclaimed:
Ma1 de4!!!!Why must I pay so much de?!
Hui: What?!
CB you! It really that much mar!
TIU you!! I only eat like a few crappy bread, biscuits and maggi cup only!
F***! Then who eat?! CB eh!
Des: What the?! Its Ah Tiu who eat lor!
CB him! He eat sipe much lor!

And the quarrel proceeded. Admist calls and uses of
CB, F***, TIU you! and other vulgarities, the conversation itself is SOOO funny that me and Kah Kheng were laughing like mad.

And I can say for sure that for every sentence that Jia Hui says, there is an average one CB in it~>_<>

But one thing I learnt about guys: They can quarrel about money but it is highly unlikely that it will harm their friendship. Usually I don't really like to share about uncertain things like food, expenses and such because in the end some may feel that others eat more and feel too unfair and such. And counting until the very last penny and arguing about money may harm relationships too. But I figure the way with guys are different. Hell, they could be shouting CB, CBB, LJ and arguing with each other about the amount of money each should pay but it won't harm their feelings in the slightest. It's kind of sweet actually~>_<

But still...I did learn a lot of
INTERESTING ways to use vulgaritites from today's event...And it was the best laugh that I had for sometime~

Friday, May 1, 2009

IdiOtiC cLaSS....AcT 2

Okay...So my class got crazy again. After the last post where I mentioned about the illness where each of us SUPPOSEDLY have, we did another whole class thing.

It started with us switching to the Physics Lab for a day as our class was prepared for our oncoming MUET test. And my class monitor, Mr. Lee KS, began to go beserk again. He started his marvelous plan of drawing out every single person in my class...

And this is the end product which he produced after much pondering(yeah right...) and utilizing his fine talent in art(ugh...) :

Trust me...Everyone looks a LOT nicer than this pic...Maybe with the exception of Keng Sheng though~*EVIL LAUGH*

Update on current life: It sucks. My results are like crap. Pending for Physics results. Expected to known next Sunday...Wish me luck~!!

P.S: If you want to see the picture clearer just click on it~!! >_<

Thursday, April 16, 2009


考试前班上拿到了一张如此的纸:“中国中医第一针” 为大标题,纸上叙说着有提供什么病的护理。


报名单: 病诊:

刘明强 阳痿,风湿,kepala脱kiap!
潘树伟 早泄,四肢麻木,肾病
刘健翔 子宫病,月经不调,舌头短
张峰维 性功能障碍,骨刺
胡河昌 中风,新老陈伤
邢奕文 各种胃病,不孕不育
黄芊菱 腰椎病
吕培谦 过动儿,口水多过茶
蔡嘉慧 皮包骨
李锦升 所有病例+双脚伸直
杨晓双 缺氧
符史顺 失恋,念念不忘
李雪瑜 细胞活跃
张德发 长短脚
陈康祥 骨骼疏松症,手疼
黄添财 操劳过度


P.S: 这事情

LAST Day Of ExaMs~!!


The moment has arrived--The last day of exam...And now I can proudly throw my books to a corner and yell: EXAMS ARE OVER!!!

But before the joy and jubilation, let me brief on my Physics exam today...

True to Mr. Lim's words, the exam is really quite tough....I struggled with quite a number of questions..And feel very depressed for not studying harder...But this has spurred me to be more hardworking for the next exam!!

As people say, let bygones be bygones.

Back to another happy thing: Today I also officially FINISHED my school magazine~!! Yeah~! Finally this burden of a responsibility is off my chest...Now all that's left is to receive the final product~!

Haha~! Feel happy now~>_<

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

FouRth DaY iN HELL...


The subject for my exams today....Honestly, I really don't know what I am writing in Paper 2.

Honestly, this is the FIRST time I left so many blank in my Chem paper2....Most of the time...Even when I dunno how to do I will manage to write at least some things..But this time....


Paper 1 is not as hard as paper 2 since its objective but still....

Ugh. I feel so depressed that I can't stop laughing.

On a brighter note, tomorrow's the LAST day of exam!!

Yahoo~!! Looking forward to watching MORE TV (since I watch TV everyday regardless of exam...=_=")....

That is, if I manage to survive tomorrow's Physics exam...

Wish me luck~! I pretty much need it by now...T_T

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

3rd DaY iN HELL...


That's the ideal word to describe today's Maths T1 exam...I am

It's like I am banging down a door that won't ever budge...And inside is all my T1 knowledge...Hell, the questions are pretty straightforward but maybe due to lack of exercise and paying attention I don't know how to do....And those that I did I don't know if correct or wrong...UGH!

Next on, MUET 4--Essay paper. What stupid article and all that I don't really know the so-called 'proper' way to write it...So guess what? I winged it...(a.k.a Am Gong)

Haiz...What's done is done...No use crying over spilled milk right?

Although I admit, I should have took the time last night to look over more examples than fall asleep in front of TV bout 9 sth....


2 down, 2 to go! Tomorrow--

Monday, April 13, 2009

2nd Day In HELL...

Today's exam is Maths T2 and MUET 3...

I drew Cumulative Frequency curve instead of the required Relative Cumulative Frequency curve and I left two questions undone....The rest is a blur and the only few I am sure of is just a minority of the whole 12 question exam paper...

MUET 3 is just objective...Quite ok...But the allocated time was too long (2 freaking hours!) and by the end of the first hour everyone was already done and we were allowed home early (under teacher's permission of course~)

Dear Mr. Lim has said that this Physics exam will be TOUGH...Hope I can make it through...


Sunday, April 12, 2009

1st Day In Hell...

Today is my first day of exam. We took the Pengajian Am test. Know what, I slept at 9.30pm last night and threw all my resolution of finishing the PA syllabus out of the window.

That's why I struggled through my PA 1...And I dun have enough time for PA2....

Damn. Tomorrow Maths T2..

Already half dead now...

Wish me luck so I can continue tomorrow...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Exams are just around the corner...To be precise--4 days from now, which is the 12th of April. Haiz, haiz....Even though seems to have tried but still seem to have TONS of things to read...

To sum it up:

Finished last three chapters(YEAH!)...But...Forgot all the front chapters...(DOOMED!) and haven't started Inorganic Chemistry yet...

The only chapters I am sure of--1,2,3. Chapters I am almost ok at--9,10,11,12 The rest--EMPTY!!

T1--I totally dunno what Chapter 5 and 6 talking about..

T2--I don't have imagination. So sure doom when come out questions which involve what plane and what line or something like that...

I haven't read anything. And today when teacher give exercise on Dasar Negara my mind went BLANK.

Due to the bleak and dreary situation I am currently in, I went to look for songs to motivate me...Among them is one by Jade 刘力扬, titled <梅花香>~It's an uplifting song~

I wanted to post the song but it is too troublesome...So any of you who want to listen to it can ask from me or go download it yourself~

<梅花香> lyrics:

少年郎 上学堂 背诗文 头摇脑晃
松烟墨 蒙恬笔 算盘珠 敲得噼啪响
读破万卷书 谁能比我强
背不出 慢慢想 想不出 就打手掌
学古人 头悬梁 锥刺股 萤火虫借亮 梦想路很长
不怕少年狂 轻舞飞扬 十年寒窗
宝剑锋 梅花香 碧罗天 未雨绸缪苦做舟
学海无涯 高山流水 知音在等候
且看这光阴 似水流 哗啦啦 一去不回头
都说玉不琢 不成器 人不学 不知义
上考场 可别发抖 与人争辩 也要文绉绉
且看这光阴 似水流 莫等闲 我要占鳌头

That's all...I have to get back to drilling my brain with weird and uninteresting facts~Wish me luck in my exams~!!


Friday, April 3, 2009

Pesta Bahasa

Yesterday was our school's Pesta Bahasa...Or more adequately put= Language Festival. Because of our school's 'ngetok-ness' this year, Form 6 students are also required to enter.

And curse my luck, I entered both Public Speaking(English) and Commercial Acting(Chinese). Due to the sudden revelation that Science classes are competing against Arts classes which means that both Bio and Physics class has to join together, we only started choosing our members and planning our script just a week prior to the competition.

In truth, we only used bout 3 days to rehearse. And another truth: I thought we were SCREWED.

Yet, very very fortunately, our members are all very cooperative and we managed to pull it off!! And I just have to salute Qian Qian, Miao, 3rd wife, Hoe Cheong, Chun Way, Agnes, Hoon Leng, Keng Sheng and Jun Tat for their SUPERB performance!! Especially Qian Qian as there were really moments where I felt her 'teacher's aura'~>_<

I didn't actually contribute a lot...Which I am very embarrassed to say...Maybe just by helping to organize and also to help arrange the props~=_="

Another note, Public Speaking was in general a disaster. I know nobody is listening to me so I decided to make myself less a fool by cutting my speech by about half of it. In the end I was positive I was speaking so fast the words are just tumbling together. Really, I can't hear a damn thing which I said on stage...T_T

This year, 5K2 won in the Dikir Barat competition...I was really impressed as I felt their show was really good. It had so much energy. It's not that the other 2 classes are bad, it's just that the true form of dikir is in itself a form of RAW energy. One felt 'semangat' after listening to dikir. And the other two classes seem to lack it in a sense that their shouting seemed to tired and their movements seemed to lagged. But 5K2 was just radiating with energy, something I positively enjoyed. I think I screamed the most times when they were performing~>_<

But still, I know that training for Dikir is a time consuming and also mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting thing..Therefore I applaud all classes on their hard work~

However, the guys of 5K2 seem to lack sportsmanship as they kept 'boo-ing' other classes, which I find extremely rude and idiotic...

In the end, our iklan got second and I got first in public speaking...(But believe me, it's NOT a glorious thing...)

Even though we got second, I must say that I am pretty happy~In my heart we will always be the first, and I am very very proud of all my members~!!


And to JunTat~Your script REALLY good dy~If not, everyone won't be able to act in such an energetic way~!!

Again, as a final note: a HUGE applaud to-->

Qian Ling, Yi Wen, Zhen Jee, Hoe Cheong, Keng Sheng, Jun Tat, Hoon Leng, Agnes, Chun Way and also Jason (for garnering the courage to whip out his script on stage and 'lose his virginity' for the sake of pesta bahasa) on their hard work and efforts~!!

You guys really are the best!!! *HAPPY, HAPPY, DANCES AROUND~*

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Physics Tuition~

Yesterdays Physics tuition was a HORROR.

Sir started teaching Electrostatics. Dunno because the chapter damn confusing or because we are not in the mood, everyone seems to be restless. (Or is it just me...?)

Anyway, not even halfway through the tuition and I was already kind of dozing off. My eyelids were heavy, I kept yawning, my eyesight blurred...I kept glancing at my watch and told Yin Ting things like: "Still got 3 hours!!!", "Ugh....2 hours and 50 minutes left.." or something like that. Poor Yin Ting...

Well, fortunately, after slapping myself, I became awake again. The bad thing--I became too energetic...

So, for the second half of the tuition = Squirming in my seat, daydreaming, look at everywhere, talking etc.

But the worst was for the last half hour.

I became crazy at that point. Yup. CRAZY.

Sir would say things like: "So here, because of the Gaussian blah blah, I am going to use this method. Okay?" And I would be making weird replies (discreetly of course): "No....Cannot....Nya..." Or something like that.

Yup. My brain is officially FRIED.

And my weirdness also includes uncontrollable laughter. I dunno why, but the smallest thing made me laugh so much my stomach hurts. I can't control it. I just could not stop laughing. Uak...Felt like I was high on something. (But definitely not because of Miao sitting beside me...>_<)

Poor Jia Wei and Zhee Shin, they kept looking back to see what was the matter with me..I suppose by the end of the tuition, all of us wasn't really paying attention anymore...Haha.

Therefore-->I was KISIAO-ing, Yi Wen and Yin Ting are helping me not Kisiao, Zhen Jee and the rest are blur and kept observing why and how I Kisiao...O_O

Well, I blame it on the fact that I was blurred from the stupid Electric Potential and Work Done...Stupid Electrostatics...

In the end, I was making weird noises like cooing sounds and syllables like: "La~Lalalala~~!!" and "Nyah...Nya~!!" or something like that.

My 3rd wife asked: "Hsieh Yie! What's wrong?"

Guess what I did--> Smiles at her..."Nyah~!!" =_="

Finally, sir said: "It looks like all of you are exhausted. Let's stop early today."

It was quite a shock. Sir NEVER gave us back early. It was either late or on time.

Therefore, to sum it up, our restless behavior has caused three things:

1.Sir was quite patient with us today.
2.Sir actually gave us a BREAK!!
3.Sir noticed how exhausted, blur, confused and tired we were when he was teaching bout what E=dV/dx that he stopped the teaching for next time and let us do a bit of exercise first.
4.We were released EARLY!

To tell the truth, not only was we drained, I felt that Sir was drained too...Again, stupid Electrostatics!!

HAIZ. I hope I will be normal this coming Tuesday for the extra Physics tuition...Or else...


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mixed Feelings....

Hello~It's been a long time since I updated...Since my third wife asked me, so here I am, updating my blog...(See...I am such a GOOD 'husband'...)

Anyway...Recently I do have a few things to write...How to say..Let's just say there are a few lessons learned and a few feelings put aside. First and foremost, about my dear, dear cat. Ah Miao seems to be having some problems with her stomach and was admitted to USM. After being discharged her pain started again and was again sent back in. After the doctors tried without success to stop her painkiller(as the pain came back) Miao's mum decided to send her to KL hospital for treatment. So, now she's in KL...

Of course, without her, the class is extremely quiet...Which proves that I aint the one who is noisy...But as Kok Yong so adequately puts it, we are like catalysts to each other for a reaction to occur. Without the other, we cannot fully undergo the weird chemical reaction which induces us to become noisy. Also, as mushy as this sounds, all of us really miss her as we don't have the person to kenak together..(Haha...Jz kidding...)

Oh~All of us also prepared a welcoming back gift for her~But for now, what it is remains a secret..But I am certain it would make her want to laugh and cry at the same time~Therefore: GET WELL SOON, MIAO~!! WE ARE ROOTING FOR YOU~!! (P/S: You must recover faster and come back or else you might find that you have a stack of homework higher than the himalayas waiting for you... Ms. Lee has been weirdly EFFICIENT recently which makes it a pain in the a** for us...>_<)

Also, a good news to say is that our class T2 teacher is becoming more and more pretty each day~(O_<) She is actually quite pretty as she has a slim and petite figure, long flowing and silky black hair, a nice smile, and a lovely lovely blush to top it off. But she always dresses too old for her age with the so called 'AUNTY' style clothes. But recently there has been a dramatic change and she starts wearing more tight fitting and suitable and modern dresses and blouses and skirts. This excites us to no end. Now we are trying to convince her to change her shoes to high heels...I wonder if we will succeed? (We have been praising her to no end and we find that she seems quite happy, hence the effort put in to dress herself) (Another theory is that she is seeing someone...{Inner thought: FINALLY!!})

Now starts the EMO section of this post....Avoid it if you don't want EMO...>_<

Another sad thing. I realize that relationships are the weirdest thing ever. You need them, yet you are troubled by them. Sometimes one loses faith throughout the way. Sometimes they emerge triumphant and they are more bonded than ever. Sometimes it seems as you are treading on a thin sheet of glass and you don't know when you will fall. Sometimes you want it to happen but it just won't. Sometimes you don't even know why you still continue on. Sometimes you know you want to continue but weirdly can't find the will in your heart to do so. Sometimes it turns awkward. Sometimes you get hurt. Sometimes your efforts are futile. There are a lot of sometimes...But what matters most is what happens when you encounter the 'sometimes'. Will you leave? Will you give up? Or will you fight? Will you have hope? Will you go on even when you know it's futile?

This doesn't just apply to romances. But also friendships, family, life....

It hurts as you know that you will never become how you were before. You understand that the most important person in your friend's opinion will never be you. Even though she repeatedly tries to convince you that you are a friend she doesn't want to lose. Yet you know, as you understand. Because you know her long enough to read between the lines and her words and her expressions. Yet sometimes you don't want to see it. Cuz you know that you are the only one who understands, and she does not repay the same consideration. Yet she doesn't want to lose you due to her whims or memories or longing...whichever I am uncertain. But the part where you are certain is that she cherishes this friendship, and so do you. So you choose to tolerate. You remain silent. You seek comfort in other friend's arms. As you know that you too, cherish that friendship, maybe even more than she does. And you will be the kind of friend she needs you to be. Because you care well enough to disguise the hurt that was inflicted upon you. And for that, my friend, you are well cherished. At least, to you, there will always be friends unlike her. Even when other friends say: "You know, the only thing which I see that she has done for you is make you cry!" You choose to answer with a smile. Because that's who you are.

Yet, I know you are losing hope. You honestly don't know why you still remain friends with her. She always says just how bad her mood is but it turned good after her other friends call her or message her. She tells you how your actions hurt her and you feel guilty. Yet, she doesn't know you are hurt too by her saying this. It seems to you that the way she puts it, you never make her happy. Only other best friends will. So, you are wondering about the meaning of this friendship. Recently, when she tells you such things, or you hear about it from others, all you do is smile. Somehow, the pain and the sadness had slipped away. And you seem cold hearted to such stuff. You wonder if you no longer care as much.

Sometimes, friendship is a lot harder than love. In love, if you know you don't care anymore, the best way for both is to end it. You can end it if you wish to. Yet, in friendship, it's a lot more complicated. You know you don't care as much, that you cannot become best friends with her anymore, but still, you wish to continue as mere friends. There are no arguments, no dislike, so you cannot sever ties with one another. Yet there is no bonding anymore either. Somehow, it seems that you are exhausted and tired. So please, just take a breather, and somehow, just somehow, things might just turn out okay.

This is for you, the one who has tolerated for so long. My words are your words, my lines are your lines. And my writing for you is the same as you writing to let out your frustrations.

End EMO.

Well, now that was let out of my chest. We proceed. Recently in class, due to lack of paying attention and mindless, stupid teenage hormones giving encouragement, me and chiahui decide to play a game of "Who cries first." Therefore, I asked Khang Siang to help me in my quest in search of sadness. (Stupid isn't it??!!) After a few attempts, I feel down, but not enough to make me cry. Then he said: "There is something else...But I don't want say it lar...Too bad dy.." But the stupid stupid me kept asking him to try, saying I won't mind. And so, he really started. He criticized my looks, my body size....etc. The last straw came when I asked him: "So, because I am fat so you don't like me ler lar??" And he looked me in the eyes and with a disgusted look and tone, said : "You know...I really got a bit feel hate(disgusted) with you." And it hurts like hell and I really started to cry.

Of course, it was a game and I knew that and after a few tears, I managed to control myself and began laughing. Those who really thought I was crying became confused but after some explaining, they all wanted to hit me..O_O...But...I found out that it is a really stupid game as I really feel sad after...Good thing is, my cheery attitude kicked in and after getting over it, I became the same insane me again...=_="

However, I feel the real victim of this game was Mr. Tan as he felt so guilty and kept hugging me and sitting beside me and tugging my arm and apologizing to me to make me feel better. He was very very sorry and kept asking me not to believe those things he said. After maybe near the twentieth time which I reassured him I was okay only did he became normal back~

Haha~So sorry ya, Siang~!! I also love you very much as a friend lar..And din sad or mecok lar~Don't worry lar~*WINKS*

BUT!! For others: Don't play such stupid games as it is really stupid and harms the mental and physical health...>_<>

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Private Post: Don't Like, Don't Read!

I saw this post on, a site I usually go. It touched me, and I decided to post it here. If you are one of those who have qualms about such things, please refrain from reading this post. It is merely an account of my belief.

Re-post this if you believe homophobia is wrong. Please do your part to end it. :
I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.
I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman.
I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.
We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.
I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.
I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me.
I am one of the lucky ones, I guess. I survived the attack that left me in a coma for three weeks, and in another year I will probably be able to walk again.
I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear.
We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.
I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.
I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.
I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.
I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that.
I am the man who died when the paramedics stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual.
I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I did not have to always deal with society hating me.
I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind.
I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love.
I am the person who is afraid of telling his loving Christian parents he loves another male.

My name is sarah

I am but three,

My eyes are swollen

I cannot see,

I must be stupid

I must be bad,

What else could have made

My daddy so mad?

I wish I were better

I wish I weren't ugly,

Then maybe my mommy

Would still want to hug me.

I can't speak at all

I can't do a wrong

Or else I'm locked up

All the day long

When I awake I'm all alone

The house is dark

My folks aren't home.

When my mommy does come

I'll try and be nice,

So maybe I'll get just

One whipping tonight

Don't make a sound!

I just heard a car

My daddy is back

From Charlie's Bar.

I hear him curse

My name he calls

I press myself

Against the wall.

I try and hide

From his evil eyes

I'm so afraid now

I'm sradishing to cry.

He finds me weeping

He shouts ugly words,

He says its my fault

That he suffers at work.

He slaps me and hits me

And yells at me more,

I finally get free

And I run for the door.

He's already locked it

And I sradish to bawl,

He takes me and throws me

Against the hard wall.

I fall to the floor

With my bones nearly broken,

And my daddy continues

With more bad words spoken.

"I'm sorry!", I scream

But its now much too late

His face has been twisted

Into unimaginable hate.

The hurt and the pain

Again and again

Oh please God, have mercy!

Oh please let it end!

And he finally stops

And heads for the door,

While I lay there motionless

Sprawled on the floor.

My name is Sarah

And I am but three,

Tonight my daddy,

Murdered me.

child abuse, MAKE IT STOP!

Her name was Auroura
She was only five
This is what happened
When she was alive

Her dad was a drunk
Her mom was an addict
Her parents kept her
Locked in an attic

Her only friend
was a little toy bear
It was old and worn out
And had patches of hair

She always talked to it
When no one's around
She lays there and hugs it
Not a peep of sound

Until her parents
unlock the door
Some more and more pain
She'll have to endore

A bruise on her leg
A scar on her face
Why would she be
In such a horrible place?

But she grabs her bear
And softly crys
She loves her parents
But they want her to die

She sits in the corner
Quiet but thinking,
" God, why? Why is
My life always sinking? "

Such a bad life
For a sad little kid
She'd get beaten and beaten
For anything she did

Then one night
Her mom came home high
The poor child was hit and slapped
As hours went by

Then her mom suddenly
Grabbed for a blade
It was sharp and pointy
One that she made

She thrusted the blade
Right in her chest,
" You deserve to die
You worthless pest! "

The mom walked out
Leaving the girl slowly dying
She grabbed her bear
And again started crying

Police showed up
At the small little house
They quickly barged in
Everything was as quiet as a mouse

One officer slowly
Opened a door
To find the sad little girl
Lying on the floor

It must have been bad
To go through so much harm
But at least she died
With her best friend in her arms

Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list below!

Mummy...Johnny brought a gun to school
He told his friends that it was cool
And when he pulled the trigger back
It shot with a great crack
Mummy I was a good girl
I did what I was told
I went to school, I got straight A's, I even got the gold
But mummy when I went to school that day, I never said goodbye
I'm sorry mummy I had to go, but mommy please don't cry
When Johnny shot the gun he hit me and another
And all because he got the gun from his older brother
Mummy please tell daddy that I love him very much
And please tell Chris, my boyfriend, that it wasn't just a crush
And tell my little sister that she is the only one now
And tell my dear sweet grandmother that I'll be waiting for her now
And tell my wonderful friends that they were always the best
Mummy I'm not the first I'm no better than the rest
Mummy tell my teachers I won't show up for class
And never to forget this and please don't let this pass
Mummy why'd it have to be me no one deserves this
Mummy warn the others, mummy I left without a kiss
And mummy tell the doctors I know they really did try
I think I even saw a doctor trying not to cry
Mummy I'm slowly dying with a bullet in my chest
But mummy please remember I'm in heaven with the rest
Mummy I ran as fast as I could when I heard that crack
Mummy listen to me if you would
I wanted to go to college
I wanted to try things that were new
I guess I'm not going with daddy
On that trip to the new zoo
I wanted to get married
I wanted to have a kid
I wanted to be an actress
Mummy I wanted to live
But mummy I must go now
The time is getting late
Mummy tell my Chris
I'm sorry but I had to cancel the date
I love you mummy I always have
I know you know it's true
Mummy all I wanted to say is "mummy I love you"
In memory of the Columbian students that were lost
Please if you would
Pass this around
I'd be happy if you could
Don't smash this on the ground
If you pass this on
Maybe people will cry
Just keep this in heart
For the people that didn't get to say "goodbye"

Now you have two choices
1) repost and show you care
2)ignore it and you have just proven you have a low-down, cold-heart
(Please just copy and paste this on to your site and show that you care)

This post doesn't belong to me, it is merely what my temporary selfishness to convey my thoughts which spurred me copy it and repost it here. If such an action offends any original creator of this post, they are free to contact me via email to ask me to take it

To any offends, my sincerest apologies.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

OH~!Finally I am updating my blog...After numerous accusations and screams and demands for me to update my blog, I finally am going to do so...

HAIZ. Now sipe bu shuang...Want know why? Cuz I am now typing in Tang Yang's house and got want sipe sipe NGETOK and IRRITATING "MASTER OF ALL" a.k.a Mr. TKS keep blabbing bout how slow I am typing. His voice is like disease which keeps seeping into my brains and killing my brain cells. Stupid TKS, dun want go annoy his honey and come ngetok-ing beside me.

Speaking of him, because of this STUPID +NGETOK TKS, our chem teacher seems to have developed a MAJOR misunderstanding of us. He actually thinks we now 'ada highway' or something like that. UAK! Not that he not good but....UAK...We just very very good friends. He is like my sister...Or puppy..? Which likes to drool on me and everywhere and then I have to go clean up his mess...Hmm....Again...Very like Ms. Heng. I still think they are a match made in HEAVEN!!!

Haiz. Feel so influenced by ngetok people that my brain seems to have decayed...Wanna go do things dy...Since got one 'AIRPLANE KING' keep shouting at me...But come to think of it...That is his natural voice...Ugh...

Anyway, till next time. With Ms. Heng and Mr. Tan beside me I feel really ngetok...UGH.

P.S: Not my use of capital letters....*MECOK-ING*